Thursday, May 14, 2009

ENT visit

So about a week ago, I had D tested through the school district for his speech. They found that he had a significant hearing loss in his right ear and recommended seeing an ENT. The appointment was today and some interesting facts.

D has HUGE amounts of wax within his ears, so the Dr. took a scraper and got lots of it out. For the next week we have to use Debrox to help soften and remove the remaining wax. Then D will go back into the dr to see if it's clear, then a hearing test will be administered. Dr. thinks that there may be fluid build up behind the ear, but can't even see that far with all the wax.

He also noticed D's extremely runny nose and asked me about it. I said that D has it practically all winter long and I think that it's an allergy of some sort. The Dr. felt D's neck and then had him open wide. Looks like D needs his adnoids and possibly his tonsils taken out. Dr. stated that when kids have cronic stuffy noses (like D) most likely his adnoids are not functioning properly and he'll be better off having them removed.

If D needs tubes in his ears, they'll do all the procedures at one time. Sooooo, in a week we'll have a better understanding of D's hearing and where we'll be proceding next.

I'm off to clean the house b/c the people are back for a 3rd look!! I knew they'd be back. Never let your parents decided on the house you love!!

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