The last week of July turned out to be a record breaking heat wave for this area. We had 5 days of triple digit heat. Being that my roommate works on the weekends, we decided NOT to stay in town and escape to the beach. It was going to be 109 here and an unprecedented 85 at the beach. We prepacked most everything the night before, so we could escape ASAP the following morning.
The beach was fantastic. The kids played in the water all day!! It was that warm. I even stripped down to my swim suit and shorts.
By this time you're probably wondering what the title to the post means - Busy Beach Boobie Bee
As we're packing up our stuff to start heading home, I felt a "sting" right under my boob. I didn't think much of it b/c all day while dunking my feet in the ocean, I was being stung by (I'm guessing) really small jelly fish. So, I said OUCH! something just stung me. I couldn't see anything when I pulled my suit out so I didn't think anything of it. WE'RE AT THE BEACH what could sting me or go wrong? Suddenly I bent down to pick up something and STING something stung me next to my belly button. Now I'm starting to panic - I'm allergic to bee stings and I know there is something in my suit. I'm on a public beach, so it's not like I can strip down and get it out. Modesty be damned, I made Catrina look down my suit to see if she could find out where this "thing" is. Just as she's looking down my suit, STING, it got me again!! Now about 2 inches below my belly button!! I grabbed my suit and felt something in my hand. So now I have the little bugger, but must make the 10 mile trek back to the bathrooms, holding this "thing", carrying a bag and tiptoeing across the scorching hot sand!!
When I got into a changing room, I stripped off my suit and didn't see anything except 3 very LARGE welts that are starting to get bigger. Then I see it - a small fuzzy bumble bee crawling on the floor. Yep, I got stung by that thing. I'm trying not to panic much b/c of my allergy. I am trying to decide what to do - go to a hospital or make the 2 hr trip back home. Everyone gets changed and I decide to drive home after stopping at the Rite Aid to pick up some Bee Sting stuff.
Luckily the stings only turned into large welts that itched like crazy and bruised. It was a great day at the beach anyways.
OUCH! I missed hearing this story. I hope the bees stay away from now on.