Friday, January 21, 2011


I wanted to write about Oreo while she is still with me because I don't know that I'll be able to do it when she is gone.  Oreo is my 12yo black lab mutt who has cancer and her time is running out.  I took her to the vet earlier this week and it was confirmed that the cancer has probably really spread throughout her body as her lymph nodes are enlarged.  So, the vet and I had a quality of life talk because I don't want Oreo to be suffering, but yet, I don't want to make a rash decision before it's necessary.  The vet gave me some great advice - quality of life means eating, drinking, pooping, peeing and enjoying her favorite things.  Especially the favorite things...if she is still doing the first 4 things, but stops doing her favorite things, then it's probably time.  The vet stated that it could be anytime. 

Oreo - you will be my one and only puppy that I buy from a pet store (there are too many animals in shelters/rescues that need homes).  You were 8 weeks old with this rolly poly tummy.  Little did we know that that tummy was actually full of gas and yucky stuff - we quickly found out as we were bringing you home and you pooped in the back of the Explorer... and not solid poops.  UGH!!  You were so small, that you fit between the slats of our picket fence.  We had to chicken wire the fence and unfortunately it was the chicken wire which blinded you in your left eye at just 10 weeks old.  You never let it hinder you and I'm guessing that 90% of people don't even know that you were blind. 

Once you were potty trained, M thought it was cute to have you sleep in bed with us.  You slept between his legs.  I stated to M that it's a bad idea b/c you're going to be a big dog.  My warning was brushed off and to M's dismay, you got big and he became uncomfortable having you sleep on the bed.  You always slept on his side and between his legs.  HA HA HA!!  When you got to be 70lbs, M tried to get you to sleep on the floor, but you were having NONE of that and jumped onto the bed.  Made your 3-5 circles, plopped down between his legs and started snoring.

When we brought you home, we already had a dog, Andra.  Little did we know that Andra really didn't like other dogs and she beat the crap out of you more than once, but you held your own and took the abuse.  We also had kitties Baxter and Amos who you became fast friends with.  I'm not sure what Amos will do when you are gone.  There are more than a few times per week that I walk in the door and find you and Amos cuddled together on the couch.  You are his best friend. 

Speaking of cuddling, you love sleeping in small spaces.  Must be from the crate training we did with you.  You would always find small spaces to curl up into - not easy for a large dog!  Boxes, suitcases, bathtubs.   The bathtub is your favorite and unfortunately with your age, you cant get into the bathtub easily these days.  Whenever we couldn't find you, we just had to look in the bathtub.

Oh the things you put up with.  First there was the bully Andra, then we got Sammy.  Sorry.  Sammy wasn't fixed when we brought him home and there were more than a few times Sammy "took advantage of you".  Sorry for that.  Around the age of 7, we got Dakota - an 8mo Malamute puppy.  You looked at us saying "are you kidding me?".  Dakota was full of energy and puppyism.  You had fun with him and put up with him biting your ears, pouncing on you and just being wild.  THEN, something even more sinister happened....a human baby was brought into your life!!  Oh boy!!

Oreo, you are D's cuddle buddy.  You allow him to lay on you, sit on you, pull your ears, cover you with blankets and more than once he tried to dress you up.  You would just lay there when multiple toddlers were poking at you, tripping over you or patting your head just a little harder than what you probably liked.  You just take it and even roll over on your back and get some belly rubs.
BFF's!  D is using Amos as a pillow.
Oreo, Amos and D napping together

You are also a smart dog, but also a little dumb.  I took you to advanced dog training which got you to do things just by hand signals.  If I raised my hand in the air, you laid down.   Arm out to the side and you'd sit.  If I said, "round round" you'd immediately walk to my left side and sit - ready to heel.   Heeling?  Nah, you never got that concept.  Pulling on the leash - always!!  UGH, I disliked walking you on a leash.  Even now, at 12, you still pull!! 

You have been a wonderful dog and companion.  You have always been a laid back dog who just allowed life to change without complaint.  You've been in 5 different houses in 2 different states.  You've been camping many times, you loved to swim, and I couldn't ever run out of raw hide bones in the house or you WHINED!!  WHINING, you've perfected the most annoying dog whining ever.  Even though it drives me crazy, I'll miss your whining.  I'll miss having you greet me at the door.  I'll miss seeing you and Amos cuddled together.  So many things I'll miss.  I'll be heartbroken to tell D about you no longer being here and he will be very sad (just as I will be)

As I sit here looking at you sleeping on the couch, I hope that you know you were loved.  I hope that we gave you a wonderful life - I know we did.  I've enjoyed every minute of having you in my life.  I may not always show it, but you do bring me joy. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Thing 2

As I posted a few weeks ago, D had THING attached to his face removed.  The biopsy found that it wasn't:  cancer, mole, wart, fungus.  The cultures did show up with a staph infection, but not MRSA and another bacteria, but she said it so fast I couldn't write it down.  It has been determined that Thing was just an infection that got out of control and never healed. 

Well, it's been 3 weeks, 10 days of specified antibiotics and I'm happy to say that THING is healing very very well.  I took D back to the dr. yesterday to have the bandage removed that was put on at the time of his surgery.  While D was very nervous and he did cry, he was a trooper!!  He sat on my lap, the dr. took a pair of tweezers and peeled the bandage off smoothly and quickly (this is where D cried).  Once it was off, she looked at Thing and WOW, it's all nice and pink with no infection found.  D was also interested in looking at Thing, so he scrambled off my lap to have a look in the mirror.   

The Dr. is very pleased with the healing.  She did not put another large bandage on it, instead he's got a medicated pad and then a regular band aid on top.  I'm to change the pad and band aid daily, so that should be interesting, but D will soon get used to it.  I took D to WalMart after the appt and he picked out the band aids that he wanted - Spiderman and Transformers.  The Dr. wants it kept covered until it is fully healed, so perhaps another few weeks of bandages and it looks as if Thing will soon be a "thing" of the past!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Annual Santa PIR visit

Early in December, we decided that it was a perfect time to take the kids to see Santa and drive through the PIR (Portland International Raceway) - each year they decorate the raceway and you can drive through it and see the lights. 

For the 3rd year (maybe 4th) D has seen the Santa at Pioneer Place.  We timed it perfectly and got downtown Portland just before 5pm.  Once we found parking and got into the mall, it was around 5:30.  Santa had NO line - again!!  WOO HOO!!  D quickly scrambled up onto Santa's lap, his list was spoken and Santa asked the some great questions - the normal "have you been good", but then some odd ones "have you been cleaning your room?" "brushing your teeth?"  Ha ha ha!!  I had to chuckle.  Next C and C climbed up onto his lap, lists were given and Santa was wonderful.  Last year was the first year that CE, at age 5, had even sat on Santa's lap.  This year there wasn't even hesitation on her part. 

Walking out of the mall, in the courtyard, it was "snowing".  The mall had rigged up foam machines on the 3rd floor and it was snowing in the mall.   The kids loved it!! 

On the road again, we headed up to PIR and again encountered NO lines!!  This night was shaping up perfectly!   It was so empty, that we opened the sun roof, kids stood up through it and we took pictures.  You're not allowed to stop during the drive through PIR, but with no one being there, we weren't told to move along.  Unfortunately, the pictures of the lights didn't come out.  We had the kids to stand under a huge archway, but the picture didn't turn out. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Drag in the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  I still have Christmas stuff to post, but now that the fog of my hangover is gone, I'll start with my NYE fun.
C and I went out with our friends Cris and Christian for the 3rd year in a row.  We were supposed to have 9 people in our party, but it just ended up being the 4 of us for dinner.  Not just dinner, but a classy wonderful dinner of prime rib, bacon wrapped prawns, mini beef wellingtons, and spinach/mushroom stuffed manicotti.

Then we headed off to our favorite bar to ring in the New Year.  It's a mostly male gay bar that comes with some VERY interesting people.   About an hour after getting there, more friends arrived and the bar started to get crowded and the fun began.  C had been chatting via text with a coworker of hers who stated that we had to do a shot for her.  OK, off to the bar we went.  C had a foo foo jello shot, but not me.  Taquilla.  I did it with minimal UGH factor and not much ill after effects either.

Somewhere in the evening C ended up with a stray tagging along behind her.  Not just any stray, but a cross dressing straight man!  Sara - who liked brunettes and red, neither of us are "his/her type".  Unfortunately, no pictures were taken of Sara - alcohol had taken affect by then.
Drinking, dancing, laughing and having a wonderful time was had by all!!