Sunday, February 22, 2009

Um, what time is it?

Well, I'll tell you what time it is, it's 9:57PM on Sunday night and D just went to bed!! Oh, but he's not sleeping.

I haven't been home all day (charity bowling event and then a meeting with MOMS Club board), so I got home at 7:30 tonight. Exhausted and not feeling well. My cold just won't let up, so I was looking forward to D only being up for about 30 min before he went to bed. M isn't home, so we had the sitter here. WELLLLL, I found out that D was asleep when the sitter got here at 5:30 and was still not up when I got home!!

M put D down for a nap at 4PM and told the sitter to wake D. I guess the sitter tried to wake D, but D wanted NOTHING to do with the sitter. So, the sitter just left him in bed. 3.5 hour nap! Of course D isn't going to want to go to bed at his normal bedtime of 8pm.

Sooooo, it's just before 10pm, I just left D's room after putting him to bed, but he's not sleeping. I can hear him playing and jumping around. All I want to do is put my sick body into bed and sleep. Mommy apparently isn't done for the day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"D's Mommy, can we talk?"

This is what I heard from D's teacher when I picked him up from school a few weeks ago. UH-OH that's not good. Then Mrs. McCool puts her arm around me....being a former Elementary Ed. teacher I know that this is REALLY not good.

Mrs. McCool calmly looks me in the eye and pats D's head and says:

"Mommy, I think you need to talk to this little boy about keeping his pants on in the classroom."

"What happened?" I replied. Thinking that maybe he returned from the bathroom with his pants off - which is a regular occurrence at home.

"He was pulling his pants down and mooning kids." She stated. (oh, there is more) "Then he was encouraging others to do the same." "His friend Jordan almost had his pants down when I caught them."

YIKES!! My baby boy is a mooner!! He rather enjoys pulling his pants down and proclaiming "NAKED BUNS!!" and then running away.

Sooooo, naked buns have ended at home and I had to speak to D about not doing that at school.

Monday, February 9, 2009


After another hour of searching this morning, I found the blasted remote!!! I kept thinking last night that I need to get a flashlight and look around - like CSI. Move over CSI, I found the remote!!

It fell behind the large TV cupboard, but wedged in before it hit the floor. With all the cable and cords behind the TV, the remote fell behind and was stuck on the cords. When I looked under the TV Stand this morning and last night, I couldn't see it. Got out a flashlight and shined it behind the stand one way - didn't see it, shined it on the other side and DING DING, there it was!

I was going crazy. Crazy no more. The case of the missing remote has been solved.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where the F is it??!!!

We've lost the remote to the big TV. I saw it earlier on the kitchen table, but now it's nowhere to be found. Now, I do have a cold and I'm on medication, but really? Where is the F'ing thing!!??!! We've looked everywhere. M & D went grocery shopping, came home and unloaded groceries - D was watching TV. When it was time for bed we asked D to turn off the TV. TV was off, so where is the remote?

We've looked in the freezer, fridge, pantry, every cabinet, drawer, couch cushions, under couch, tv stand, toy bins, upstairs, downstairs and even the garage. I was so frustrated that I looked through the garbage I just took out for garbage day!!! I can't believe that it's missing!!! OOOOOHHHHHHH!! It's going to eat at me until it's found!

Stay tuned to the saga of the lost TV remote.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One of THOSE Mom's

YIKES!! I've become one of "those" moms. I dropped D off at school wearing sweats, hoodie, non-brushed teeth, hair combed but not styled AND I wasn't wearing a bra!! I only did this b/c his school has a drop off service and the shower was occupied when I needed it. I didn't have to actually get out of my car at all. I've made fun of mom's like me. The ones that walk to the bus stop wearing slippers and flannel pajamas or better yet, a bathrobe thrown over their jammies.

I've seen it and I cringe for those poor kids. They may only be in grade school and not understand the social impact that could be happening b/c of the outfit mom chose to wear to the bus. I'm not saying that Mom's (or Dad's) need to be dresses to the nines when taking their kids to the bus, but at LEAST put on some jeans, shoes and a coat. MAYBE run some water through your hair so it's not sticking straight up.

So for all of "those" moms out there, I've joined your ranks - at least for today.