Thursday, April 17, 2008

Open Mouth Insert Foot

We've all heard that saying, but it needs to be updated to "fit" our modern world. When you blab something on the internet NOT thinking or remembering that others may read it. What would that saying be? Type with fingers insert into shredder. ?

Here is the story. My sister is the only one who doesn't know, so SIS brace yourself. Yesterday i posted on many message boards the news that Shawn's, my nephew, prognosis was stated as incurable cancer. Laura, (M's sister and Shawn's mom) didn't tell anyone this news - just M. Being that I belong to many message boards, including myspace, I get a lot of inquiries on how Shawn is doing, so I post updates. WELL, here is the Open Mouth Insert Foot aspect of this comes in.... I posted an update on my myspace page - M's younger sister, Heather, is a friend on my page!! She learned of this news via myspace. YIKES!! DUMB DUMB DUMB!! I totally forgot that she's on my page. Innocent mistake, but a dumb one too. SOOOO, not only did she learn this news, but then proceeded to tell the family!! UGH!!

So, if you know how to modernize the phrase, please let me know. I didn't really open my mouth, I typed it on the internet. grrrrrr.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Between sizes

I'm not writing this to brag....Ok, maybe just a little. I love that I'm losing weight and getting healthy, I don't like the in between sizes phase. UGH!! Drives me insane. Ok, I'm going to admit my size.....shut your it goes.....

I'm currently a size 14 (down from a 16 or 18 when I started), but really a 14 is getting too big in the butt. I'm getting the poop droop - BAD. You know, that sag in the butt region where it looks like you may have a load in your pants. Last night I went to the mall, Steve and Barry's AND Target to look for new shorts/capri's for summer. Hey, it was in the 80's yesterday and all of my shorts are sized 16 or 18!! Anyways, I'm in between sizes. Size 12 fit me fine in the butt and legs, but the waist is less than an inch from being perfect. I can button a 12 fine, but it's just a little tight and my muffin top EXPLODES. BLECH!!

I really thought of purchasing the pants and using the "extender" panel I have left over when I was pregnant. hehehehehe!! OK, I was tired and desperate. I didn't buy any pants and left a whole armful of clothes I picked out for D in the dressing room by accident - again, I was tired.

So when you see me walking down the street with what looks like a "full diaper", it's just my new phase of in between.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

All God's creatures - NOT!

I know that there are zealots out there who don't believe in killing any creature. These are the people who will pick up an ant and place it gently outside....I'm not one of these people.

Today was a fantastic day here in the Pac. Northwest. 75 degree's and sunny. What is a girl to do on a day like today? That's right, head out into the gardens and start weeding. Ok, first I have to say, I like to garden....however, in small doses. Weeding every garden today was a bit much. I'm DONE with weeding for the season. HA!! I wish.

One of our back raised gardens had strawberry plants in them. Last year we had berries, but once they were ready to be picked, something had already munched on them. Hmmmm? Slugs perhaps? NOOOOOO. Grubs! I found so many of those little suckers. Well, not so little. Some were quite large. Being that I do not want these creatures in my gardens, I chucked them over our cement wall and (hopefully) they landed in the busy street behind us. The few that I found in our front garden got tossed into the middle of the road in front of us.

No, folks, I did not gather up the grubs and put them into a coffee container for me to release back into the wild somewhere else. They will not be making their way to the compost heap with our grass and weeds. I guess chucking them over the fence allowed me a sense of peace that i couldn't "see" where they landed. NOT!! I really hope that they were squished by a tire of a car.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My baby is no longer a baby

This week D turned 3yo. I fought it like crazy because we ALL know that 3 is the new 2. UGH. I've heard some horror stories. So far so good.

D is sleeping well in his big boy bed. Hasn't gotten up once. YIPPPEEEE.

So, on Tuesday we had a birthday party here - lots of kids, but actually worked out well. Didn't mean to have all those people over - that's another story in itself. On Wednesday I took D into the Dr. for his 3yo well being check. He usually cries during the ear check. I prepped D prior to the visit by explaining what the Dr is going to do. Daddy even helped with that. Maybe it's age or the fact that D now has a Dr. kit, but he didn't cry during the exam!! WHOOO HOOO!!! He let the Dr. look in his ears, gladly opened his mouth, and found that the stethoscope tickled.

Thursday brought a whole new trip to a place where he cries. The dreaded HAIR CUT. I looked at D over breakfast that day and knew decided that his hair was really long and it needed to be cut. So I prepped for the trip.
*Change shirts to one that I don't care will be filled with tears, drool and snot. D is a fountain when he cries. CHECK.
*Put clean shirt in purse for me to change into after the appointment. CHECK
*Hand towel in my purse to mop up tears. CHECK.
*M&M's for bribing CHECK
*Tell D that he's going for a haircut (uh oh the tears have started) CHECK

We get to Great Clips and D climbs right up into the chair. The tears start when the lady is combing his hair. But quickly she reaches into a drawer and pulls out 2 hair clips and a comb and hands them over. While D isn't pleased, he stops crying and doesn't start again!! OMG!!! Who is this child? Where did I leave D? I must have left him at the store and picked up another little boy. Oh, wait it gets better!! the CLIPPERS came out! First time clippers were used on him. No crying. He didn't particularly enjoy them, but he didn't cry and scream.

He's getting so big!!

P.S. I think next year I'll allow D to have a break after his birthday before I schedule things to do that he doesn't enjoy.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Unexplained bruises

We've all had them. Those unexplained bruises or hurts that we just don't know where they came from. Today, I have several. Top of my left knee - no bruise yet, but don't touch it!! Hurts like a MOTHER F. Then I was shaving my legs in the shower today and noticed another bruise on my right leg above my ankle. Where do these mystery bruises come from? I haven't been boxing lately. I haven't fallen down. hmmmmm it's strange.

Ok, I may have gone out Friday night and partaken in many drinks - very strong drinks. There are parts of the evening that are a bit blurry, but I would think I'd remember banging my knee into something. Well, yes, alcohol does tend to dull the senses....STOP. I know all this.

That is not the point. Mystery bruises. They sometimes happen for no apparent reason.

My big boy!

Tomorrow D turns 3 years old and he's becoming a big boy. The Toys R Us near our house is going out of business, so everything is 40% off. Yes, we did a lot of shopping. One of the things we bought was a toddler bed.

Last night was the first night for D to sleep in a big boy bed. I've heard horror stories of kids getting up multiple times during the night, not going to bed and nights of misery. Well, my kid is extra special. He climbed into his bed and slept there all night long. He even woke up around 6:30am and didn't get out of bed. I went and got him out of bed at 6:45 - he was just lying there singing and talking to himself. YES!!

The true test will be nap time today. We'll see what it's like then. Hopefully, he'll be just as good and easy as he was last night.

EDIT: It's 2:33 in the afternoon and all is quiet in little man's room. He went to bed around 1pm. Laid down and I haven't heard or seen him since. YIPPPEEE!!!