Thursday, June 16, 2011

Awesomeness - explained

Last weekend I blogged about my awesome weekend and I said that some other things happened to be revealed later.   C and I have been talking and spending time together again.  We went on the house tour together  and we've done lots and lots of talking, we've laid everything out on the table and have been really working hard.  I know that some people may be disappointed or even mad (maybe some can be happy for me/us), but this is my journey in life.  And, I'm starting a whole new journey in little over a week with a new job, so things are really going to be really exciting in my life.  I'm excited - for everything.  I'm also a bit scared, scared of everything too which is ok.  What matters is how I'm feeling, and I'm feeling really good.

End of the year

Today was the last day of school.  2 hours remained of Kindergarten and then D is officially done.  His teacher, Mrs. Bates, was a wonderful teacher.  Patient, kind but firm, fun and full of idea's.  She made D's Kindy experience a great one. 

Last Day

First Day    
WOW!  Looking at the 2 pictures, he certainly has grown this year. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Awesomeness - Day 17

Day 17 - When an awesome weekend ends an incredible week. 
Yep, this was an awesome weekend to end a fabulously awesome week.  Thursday I was hired FT, so that relieved a HUGE stress in my life.  I went garage saling on Friday and found D a bike for only $10 and a tent was purchased as well, so camping this summer will be wonderful!!  I had to work on Friday night, but it was ok because the schedule was screwed up.  My schedule said I worked from 6-10:30, but the store was actually open until 11pm (meaning I'd stay until 11:30).  When I walked in, management asked if I could stay, I said No I couldn't work until 11:30 because I had plans.  I didn't have any definite plans, but I was working on some.  Saturday was spent on a house tour/walk, then off to the Farmers Market and then to a dinner for MOMS Club.  Today, was spent on the couch watching movies and baking cupcakes for school. 

There were some other awesome things that happened this weekend, and those will be revealed at a later date.  Thank you for the awesomeness!!!  

Thursday, June 9, 2011

8-3, I can deal with that!!

You are reading a blog from a newly gainfully employed person!!!  WOOO HOOOO!!!  I got hired, as I expected I would!  The owner and I got along great - so great that he called me a pain in the ass because I was asking soooooo many questions.   Even questions that he had no answers for!! 

PHEW!!  Check that off of my stress list.   Plus, I figure that if I get in there and it's not for me, then I can live with it for 6 months to get experience behind me.  However, I like the fact that it's another start up company.  I dig start ups cuz you get to help mold and shape the company to be something that really works for you. It's in an industry that I worked 7 years in, so I have the knowledge and experience that the other new hires do not. 

PLUS - I cannot beat the hours.  8am-3pm M-F  30 hours per week which is what he's considering FT!!   WOOOT WOOOT!!   Which means, when school resumes in the fall, D just has morning daycare and no afternoon care at all - except on Wednesdays. 

I'm nervous but excited.  I hope that this company is what I'm looking for and we have a long lasting relationship!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Put your hands in the air!!!

I got an INTERVIEW!!!!   WOOO HOOO!!!  I applied to a company and within 5 min of me hitting email send the phone was ringing!!  OMG OMG OMG!!!  It's for a Internet Marketing company here in Vancouver, pretty much doing exactly what I did for 7 years at Position Technologies!!  I am psyched!!  BEYOND PSYCHED!!  THRILLLLLLED!

Thursday afternoon 1pm.  Wish me luck - keep your fingers crossed.   Maybe things are going to work out after all. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wise beyond his years...

So a couple of weeks ago, D asked if he could go play with C2.  I had to break the news to him that no he cannot.  He asked why and I told him that C and I are not getting along and we aren't seeing each other, so that means we can't go play with C2.  He then said matter-of-factly:  "Mommy, just because you and C are fighting shouldn't keep me from playing with C2."   Oh man, that made me break down into a puddle of tears. 

This weekend also brought up the C3 conversation again. 
Mommy, are you and C still not talking to each other? 
No, we are not.  I'm sorry that this is happening and that you're not able to play with C2. 
Well Mommy, I think we should drive over to C's house and I'll put you into time out and C2 can put C into time out.  When your time out is done, we can all play together and be happy. 

I had to leave the room with that one.  It was very hard to hear, to think about, to process.  If life could only be that easy....

Friday, June 3, 2011

Peter Spit a Seed at Sue - Day 16

Day 16 - Forty 3 and 4yo's spitting seeds outside!  
For the last 2 days at school, we've had watermelon day (I substituted today for the other 3yo class).  It was a lot of fun!  We did an art project of watermelons, ate watermelon and then at the end of the day took the kids outside to spit seeds everywhere.   The title of this Everyday Awesome is the title of one of my favorite kids books and it's a story about some kids who started a watermelon seed spitting fight.  Because it's almost impossible to find a seeded watermelon, we substituted sunflower seeds.  The kids were awestruck that we were allowing them to spit seeds outside.   We had targets on the fence, we had bowls and most of all, we had fun!!  The ground was a spitty spotty dotty mess. 


Thursday, June 2, 2011

No Fainting, PLEASE!!

Today, I started to cut down on my Diet Coke "habit".  I never had a bad habit with it, on a typical day, I'd only have 2 cans.  Well, I've only had about 3/4 of a can today.  YIKES!!  Then why am I awake at midnight?  Stress will do that.  I drank a lot of water today and hopefully tomorrow will be the same.  I'm not looking to cut my caffeine out of my life completely, but maybe just cut down on it.  Not feel like I NEED a Diet Coke in the morning.   *I don't drink coffee - obviously not native to the Pacific Northwest*

I just completed my Flat Stanley project for my old college friend in WI.  Ok, I may have cheated a bit and didn't really take Stanley anywhere, but I created a whole report about the local stuff around here that a 3rd grader would like.  Mt. St. Helens, Multnomah Falls, Lewis and Clark...etc.  Well, I didn't have a camera this whole time, so I really couldn't take photo's of FS anywhere anyways. 

Speaking of camera's, I bought a new one yesterday.  One of my MOMS Club friends LOVES to research things on the internet, so she suggested a Nikon 3100.  She then found that Costco had a deal going on, so I enlisted the help of Costco friends and went to Portland (no sales tax) and hunted for the camera.  Of course, they didn't have it, but they had the 4100 series for only $10 more.  I haven't had the time or desire to load it into my computer yet....maybe this weekend.  Thanks Sheri for the research!

I also got great news today from another friend that she has contacted her old company on behalf of me for a job and it just so happens that someone is LEAVING!!  I immediately sent my friend my resume and she passed it along.   I'm crossing my fingers.  There is something to be said about having a direct recommendation for a job rather than sending a blind resume.  Thanks Judi!! 

Off to sleep.  A classroom of 3 yo's await me in the morning.  It's watermelon day.