I went to the beach and stayed! WHOOO HOOO!! I got to escape and head to an overnighter at the beach. FUN was had by all who were there! The day started with pizza at one of my favorite places - The Blind Onion, then we headed south to the Woodburn Outlet mall to shop. And shop we did! HOLY MOLY!! 2 pair of shoes and a shirt later, we were off to Lincoln City, OR.
Our plan was to go to a movie and then to the casino. Well we made it to the movie, but all of us were tired and decided to postpone the casino until Sunday. After a hearty breakfast, a walk on the beach, a stone skipping contest, and frozen limbs, we headed off to the casino.
My friends are nameless to keep their winnings and spending spree anonymous. HOWEVER, someone sat down at a penny machine and won $230!! It was the FIRST machine she played!! I had no luck and lost $40 quickly - even at the stupid penny machines.
The beach was a rejuvenating trip. Just what my soul needed.
A beach trip? Good for you! You know, it's common knowledge if you gamble in a group, only one can win. Sorry it wasn't you :)