But, I'll find someone who'll use them. I'm just happy that my boy has mastered the nighttime potty. He's even gotten up after going to bed to go potty. I had realized last weekend, that he was waking up with a dry Pull-Up, so I decided that one night I'd double sheet his bed, and "try it commando". What's double sheeting? Mattress, waterproof mattress pad, sheet, another waterproof mattress pad and another sheet. This way if he does wake up wet in the middle of the night, all I have to do is pull off the top sheet/mattress pad. I learned this trick from other moms who's kids had the flu and were throwing up all night. So, for all those parents out there in blogland, remember double sheeting - I did it in his crib too. It's really great for washing sheets - you just pull off the top sheet and you have a clean one under!! I only have to make the bed every 2 weeks!
Anyways, there have been many firsts lately with D. He's no longer sleeping in a toddler bed. He's got a "big boy" bed - a bunk bed!! He sleeps on the bottom bunk, but he likes it. At first he wasn't interested in the twin mattress, he wanted his little bed back. I told him to try his big bed for a little while and if he doesn't like it, we'll put the little bed back. I haven't mentioned the little bed again. It's still in the garage - gotta get it listed on CL.
Well, we're off to the park! Going to be in the 90's again today, so we're headed out.
Good job, D! It's so nice when they get to that fully trained stage. I'm just gearing up to star the whole process with Darien. Boo!!