Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is this open?

I need to back track to about a month ago when I was packing up the house to move into my apartment. It was about 9pm and I texted my friend, K, to see if she could come over and help me pack up the ONLY remaining room in the house - the kitchen. Well, it's late at night AND we start drinking - hmmmmmmm what possibly could happen? (this may have actually been the night before I moved)

I was just pulling food out of cabinets and placing them on the counter for K to pack into boxes. The cabinet was my baking cabinet - flour, sugar....baking needs. K reaches for a bag of powdered sugar and asks while squeezing the bag "is this bag open?". The following picture tells it all. "YES, yes it was!"

I had just turned around to look at what she was holding only to have POOOF - a cloud of white cover me. What this photo doesn't show, is that I also had sugar on my face and hair. Needless to say, we laughed and laughed and laughed!!

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