Monday, December 20, 2010

"Thing" - warning, squeamish pictures ahead

Prior to D and I going to Florida back in May, D has this "thing" on his temple.  What started as what we thought was a boil has manifested into a "thing" that won't go away.  We call it his owie - I've knick named it Thing.  M and I have tried various Dr's and medications and it wasn't until just a couple weeks ago that I decided that it's time REALLY take care of it.  I called OHSU and made an appt with a pediatric dermatologist - for January!!

Thing has been a scab for months.  Not growing, not changing, not healing, so a few weeks ago I picked off the scab in hopes of it to kick-start the healing process again.  Ummmm, no.  The scab had roots on it!! ROOTS!! White long roots!  Grrroooooooossssss!  It only made Thing mad and uglier.  Suddenly a small scab turned into an oozy puss filled large gross THING.   D had longer hair, so hair started to get matted into the ooze.  M finally was able to get D to have his hair cut around Thing so hair stopped getting stuck. 
Scab roots

Roots on the scab - grossssss!

M finally got really worried about Thing and took D back to his dr.  D was put on 1000mg of antibiotics and M was told to get it removed immediately.  This kicked started a week of scrambling on his part and a dr. appt which was then scheduled to a out patient surgery.  D was so scared of having ANYONE touching Thing that we opted to have it removed, washed, examined while D was unconscious.  Today was that day.  7am we checked into SWMC Surgical Center and at 8:30 D was wheeled into the OR.  An hour later the dr came out to talk with us.  She removed the large ugly scab, which revealed a 2cm X 2cm wound.  She washed out the wound, took cultures and performed a biopsy.  We should have culture results in a few days which will tell the dr exactly what meds that D needs to start the healing process - if necessary.  The biopsy results will be back in a week or so.  We'll see the dr again next week and until then, she wants the wound to remain covered. 

D went home with Daddy and is doing just fine.  I'm sad that I'm not taking care of him today, but I know that M will do a good job.  M had movies, food and games all set for D today, but the mommy in me wants him here. 

Thing - before

Thing - after  (still looks ugly)


  1. First off, that is really gross. But second, I cannot believe that thing was stuck on the side of Davids head.. I really hope they figure out what it is and get you some answers. *Fingers crossed* that it's something simple to solve and painless. Poor David..

  2. Wow, here's a perfect example of pictures being worth a thousand words. How horrible! I'm so sorry you and D had to go through it. Please do keep me posted when they've tested what they removed. I can't believe something you once thought was a simple boil turned into this! Kisses to D.

  3. I'm sorry he has this! Is he doing okay today? Keep us posted as we will be thinking about him.
