Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sick of the sickies

UGH, this year has been brutal for illnesses.  Just when I start to feel better, a week later I have some new creeping crud, then C comes down with another form of it.  It seems like I've been taking care of myself, someone else or hearing about people being sick all winter long - can't wait for spring/summer when I can throw open the windows and air out this place. I've had 2 friends who've been hospitalized with pneumonia, my co-teacher, who has been teaching preschool for 19 years,  has been sick a lot this year too!  She should be able to lick a bathroom floor and not get sick!! 

This last round started last week when C's kiddo's came down with fevers and were sent home from school.  I spent a day running around getting medicines for them.  Although C and her crew weren't here when the kids came down with the crud, the family had been together the previous days, so we were exposed.  I started to feel stuffed up late last week and all of this week and last night my ears started to really hurt!  Probably a double ear infection...I'm 41, shouldn't I be exempt from ear infections?  However, my stuffiness and cough are almost gone.

Anyways, Tuesday night was rough, I had D and he was up all night long complaining about his ear hurting.  I got maybe 3 hours sleep and him - less than 7.  By Wednesday morning D was spiking a low grade fever and by the time we went to the dr (to check his ear) it was up to 102.7!  He has a moderate ear infection (only his 2nd in his life) and has been put on some antibiotics. 

C came here after work last night and said that she felt horrible.  Coughing like crazy and had a sore throat.  This morning she woke up with the cough, sore throat and not much of a voice.  And D just looked at me (2pm'ish) and he's got bright red cheeks - yep, his fever is back.  UGH!! 

So, I'm giving notice to all of this sickness going around - I'M DONE!!!  GO AWAY!!  NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE!! 

***Just as I was about to click the Publish Post button, C walked in the door looking tired/sick.  She left work early.  I've doped her up with some drugs and am sending her off to bed.    I need the quarantine and biohazard signs pasted to my front door.  

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