Saturday, February 25, 2012

My ghost

Since I can remember, I have always had a feeling of not being alone.   As if someone was watching me, but nothing ever happened, so I've just pushed back those feelings until recently.

At Christmas, I received a Scentsy type burner that turns on by touch.  I put it on my dresser in my bedroom where the dog cant get to it, David doesn't care about it and the cat is never up there.  Recently, Catrina and I broke up, I've been a mess, and this is when I started noticing the burner would be on when I would walk into my bedroom.  For a while I would just assume that it was me turning it on and not remembering, but after it started happening multiple times per night I wondered what was happening.  I don't hang out in my bedroom (no tv, fold laundry on the couch...etc), so it was odd that the burner would be on so often.

One particular night, by coincidence, I was having a bad night and I watched Ghost Hunters when I walked into my room and found the burner on again.  hmmmmm - I thought I'd just try something.  I said out loud:  "Thank you for being here with me, but will you please stop turning on my burner.  It's a little dangerous especially if I leave the house and I don't know that it's on, so please stop."  The burner hasn't turned on since!!  I'm not kidding!  WHOA!!

I thought I'd try something else last week.  I got that "feeling" again, so I said aloud "Hi.  Are you here?  If so, turn on my burner"  Nothing happened.  But the next night I went to go to bed and the burner was on.  Sometime last week, I got into bed and the burner turned on!  Just me in the room....the dog and cat do not sleep in the bedroom.  It never before turned on when I was present.   Apparently me asking it to turn it on has given it permission to turn it on again when it wants.  I have since moved the burner to another outlet to see if it was a fluke with the plug, but it's turned on by itself in that area too.  It only turns on when I'm at home - I've never come home from work and it's been on.

Parts of me just can't wrap my head around the supernatural, but most of me can accept it.  I have been trying to asses my 6th sense on the nights I find the burner on.  Did I get "the feeling"?  Can I feel something around now?  Do I have the feeling I'm being watched?  What did I do tonight that I possibly turned on the burner....  For now, I smile when I find it on and know it wasn't me who did it.


  1. That's good you don't get freaked out by that stuff. I DO!! (and also good that the ghost seems to be a nice one). :)

  2. OMG!!!! I must come check this out!
