Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back that THING up!

I'm talking computers people!  I'm so fortunate that mine was recently backed up (Thank you) - yes, the hard drive on my Mac died.  Died.  No warning.  Well, there was a moment of warning - when it locked up, the screen flickered and then it died.  So, off to the Mac dr. my computer went, and a day later I have a new hard drive, more memory and faster processing.  I found it funny that when I picked up my computer, they gave me my old hard drive (all nicely wrapped and labeled) and as he handed it to me, the guy said "in case you need something off of it".....ummmmm, wha?  Isn't that why I got a new hard drive because the old one died.  Ok. Whatever.  I'm guessing that it has more to do with privacy stuff than recovering stuff off of it.

Back to backing up.... DO IT!!  Do it NOW!!  As I said, my computer was recently backed up which saved about 95% of everything.  Almost all of my pictures were saved.  I've lost all of 2011 pictures, but I'm hoping that those will be recovered in another way. I could have lived with losing a few months, but an entire year is pretty terrible.  I would've been devastated to lose them all.  All my pictures since D has been born were on that computer.  OMG!  I have a panic attack just thinking about losing those.

If you haven't gotten my mantra for this blog:  Back that THING up!!


  1. Invest in an external HD to back up photos.

    Also, they gave you back the old HD because photos can still be retrieved off of it. They should have told you that and asked if you wanted them taken off and moved to the new drive or an external.

  2. I do, thank goodness, have an external and it held all my photos...except 2011.
