4254 - the number of photos deleted from my computer the other night. There are still over 2000 pictures on my computer, but PHEW, it's a dramatic clean up. After double and triple checking that the photo's were backed up onto the external hard drive, I didn't have the guts to delete. Catrina sat there and did it.....how do you delete pictures of your baby!!!???!!
Ok, ok, I know that they are not permanently deleted, but it was still moving whole entire area's of his life into the trash can....then emptying said can. Again, I still think that maybe the old fashioned way of film would just be simpler.
While Catrina sat at the computer, I was busy busy cutting fabric for the upcoming Bazaar I'm participating in. My MOMS Club group is having a 2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar and this year Catrina and I got the crazy idea I should enter. I'm making pillowcases - fun pillowcases. Children themed and Christmas themed ones. My mom started making pillowcases when my nieces and nephew were little (they are now in their 20's), and I have many pillowcases that I use on a daily basis. I have pillowcases (multiple patterns) for each holiday - Christmas, New Years, Valentines, (no St. Pats), Easter, Halloween. Plus, cases for "everyday" use. Dancing hippo's, flowers, race cars, wolves, polar bears....you get the idea. I have tons and love them! They add a fun whimsical touch to a bed. I'll post pictures of them soon.
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