Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday Fun? Of COURSE!!!

After spending the day eating delicious food, I tried to go take a nap prior to heading out to Toys R Us shopping and then to work.  I said I tried, but failed....I was too excited.  Black Friday for me is like Christmas for kids - I LOVE IT!!  I like the crowds, the people watching, the mayhem that happens.  It's just exciting to experience it and watch it all unfold.

At 6pm, Catrina and I headed off to Big Lots because they were open until 8pm and we may as well start our shopping early.  Stuff was purchased, but I cannot remember what....   Once BL's was done we headed across the river to Toys R Us to stand in line and get in early when they open at 9am.  We were in line at 7.  We people watched, made friends with the people in line with us, tried to bribe Portland Police, tried to bribe TRU workers....yea, it didn't get us far.  Then it was 9pm and the line started moving - YAHHOOOOOOO, let the fun begin!

Catrina and I are no longer amateurs when it comes to BF shopping.  This year, Catrina was a organizational guru!  No longer did we have handwritten lists of what we were going to purchase and where, nooooooooo that's too simple.  This year Catrina organized each child with the items they wanted, THEN listed each store where they could be found AND at which price!!!  This way we knew at a glance that the Angry Bird hooded blankets were the best deal at Kohl's for $19.99, plus an additional 15% coupon I had, PLUS my employee discount.

Once in TRU, we stick together for the initial "big" purchase items that we're seeking, then we divide and conquer on other items (when you have boy and girl items you have to split up).  Once we're satisfied with what's in the cart, we had off to get into line.  However, we tag team while in line.  I stood in line first while Catrina went back into the bowels of the store to find more goodies.  Back she came with an armful of stuff, tagged me from the ropes and I was off!  It's like WWE and Supermarket Sweep all in on!!  (Supermarket Sweep - there's a golden oldie)

We were out of TRU by 11pm.  Back to my house to unload the car and go our separate ways.  Catrina was off for more BF shopping, I was headed inside to get ready for work.  Since I had been up since 7am, I  thought it would be wise to shower and brush my teeth b/c I'm not getting that opportunity until after 12pm the next day.

Kohl's was CRAZY!!!  The line snaked through the store, but I have to say people were all very nice.  In the 9 1/2 hours I worked, I only encountered 1 crabby person.  I started at 1am and we were crazy busy until around 3:30am, then DEAD from 4 until around 7'ish.  By 8:15 we were crazy busy again.  That lasted until I left my register at 11:30.  Catrina was there to meet me for some shopping - which she had already started (YAY!! Cuz I was tired) and we were out of there, had lunch and home by 12:45.  I was asleep by 1, but up at 4pm.  What's a couple of girls to do?  Go SHOPPING!!  Fred Meyers, Target and the Mall were all hit.  We picked up some Green Tea Kitchen (Chinese food) on the way home and collapsed in bed for a long winters nap.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just "tad" bit behind on the blog-O-sphere ... but, truly a joy to read the real BF adventure in play-by-play mode!
