Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday and, yea, that other day.

Black Friday, the dreaded day.  A day that I loathed and loved at the same time....except this year.  Because this year, I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!  For the first time in 3 years, I didn't have to work retail during the madness.  I QUIT Kohl's a few weeks ago!  YIPPEE!  With it just being only David to shop for this year, I really didn't have the urge to head out to shop-til-I-dropped and I had him overnight.  Plus, I heard that there are better deals to be found as Christmas gets closer.

Thanksgiving Day was spent with David and friends. My coworker/friend, Trina, invited us over to have Thanksgiving with her husband, son and mother.  We were treated to a very traditional and DELICIOUS Thanksgiving dinner.  After putting David to bed, I zonked out on the couch and slept until almost 8:30 on Black Friday.  WAIT!  I must back up just a bit...On T-Day morning, I was sound asleep when my phone rang at 5:57am.  5:57AM!!!!  It was my sister - in a bit of a panic, I answered the phone b/c why would she be calling so early?  Just to talk...UGH!  See, she lives in WI which is 2 hours ahead of WA. After speaking with her for a while, I decided I was just up for the day.  So, my turkey coma was also induced by a early morning phone call.

After dropping David off to his dad on Friday morning, I decided to head to Fred Meyers for some socks.  Our local all-in-one retail store, has a 1/2 price sock sale on BF.  I was always working or shopping at other stores during the sale, so I decided to check it out.  Many socks later...I was out of the store by 11am and I went home for the day.

Last night, Trina (wingwoman extraordinaire and dd) and I went out to a Hot Flash stoplight party - when you got into the club you choose a glow stick color, Green - single, Yellow - maybe, Red - taken.  Dancing, cruising and fun was had!  Today was spent recovering.  Tomorrow, I must head back to the "real world".

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