Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's official 3 is the new 2

Today proves the theory that age 3 is the new 2. Holy cow!! D has had many meltdowns recently for no reason. Yesterday I watch my friends kids for 1/2 of the day and D is in Potty Training mode, so no diaper. Well, he wet his pants. When I said that we needed to change his pants, you'd have thought I had told him that he could NEVER have a cookie again. So I finally get his pants off and he's now upset b/c I'm opening a diaper, so I then get a new pair of underwear - nope, more meltdown b/c he now want the diaper.

Fast forward to today. I'm trying to get out the door for our Thursday playgroup. Just getting his shoes on was traumatic enough. Phew, shoes on, purse in hand, Diet Coke in purse and keys in pocket. OMG!! I opened the front door. Meltdown. D wanted to open the door. I close the door. Our doorknob sometimes sticks, so D can't get the knob turned. Crying continues...harder. D thinks the door is locked, so he proceeds to turn the deadbolt lock. He gets the knob turned, but now the door is deadbolted shut. I flip the deadbolt - bad idea!! DO NOT TOUCH THE DOOR AT THIS CRITICAL MOMENT!! I flip the deadbolt back. D unlocks the deadbolt, but then locks the knob lock!! OMG! It's a scenario out of an Abbot and Costello movie.

We finally make it out of our house and to our friends house. WELLLLLL, D decides to envoke his TPL rights. Every toy that Nick gets, David proceeds to try to rip it out of Nicks hands. HOLY COW a 3yo has a good grip. I pry his tiny fingers from whatever pilfered toy he's proclaims is his and screams at the top of his lungs.

Yep, 2 was a breeze. 3? 1 month in and I'm ready to quit.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm??? TODDLER for LEASE!!!

    Yep, MINE was taking notes ALL morning apparently. I kept thinking, "I know Nick drives me nutty sometimes but I should count my blessings that I haven't had these type of meltdowns."

    I thought too soon! Yep, it started at Safeway right after playgroup (he wanted to walk and not ride in the cart) and has been a battle for the rest of the day. Don't even get me started on the HORROR I inflicted on him at dinner. Yes ... it's true. I fed him "mashed potatoes." Right now, Dad has him. I'm trying to decide if I should go down to tell him it's bathtime. Do I "want" to? Nope. Do I "need" to? Yep!!! I want the boy in bed.

    Good luck!!! Just remember, when you're sitting on that bar stool, be sure to turn to your right and say "hello" to me.
