Tuesday, May 13, 2008

*&!$**#$ Toys!!!

D has a new thing he likes to do. He likes to carry around 1 of the bins that holds his toys and dump it in whichever room he wants to play in. That's fine, we're pretty good with making him pick up the toys.

However, today we didn't get back from Moms Club until late, so it was eat lunch and off to bed. I looked at the room and was horrified at it's state, so I decided to clean up the cars. As I reached down to pick up the bin AND 1 car, I stepped on another car buried under D's sweatshirt. This then pitched me forward (FAST) and I slammed the top of my head into the wall - HARD. At them moment of impact, my neck cracked and compressed together. YOWCHIE!!! The impact was so hard, I'm really surprised there isn't a hole in the wall.

At first I was really mad at what happened, but now....now, I'm laughing every time I think about it! Laughing so hard that my abs hurt!!

So, I'm sitting here typing with an icepack on my head, my neck and foot hurt AND I'm needing a tissue to mop up my tears from laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Ok ... OWWW!!! I hope the ice helped. Is the car OK? (small opportunity for humor here) Be sure to call our favorite chiropractor. You have "earned" the right to check that YES box (as in, "YES, something has happened since the last time I was here"). It's better to get checked out, then to have things seize up a few days later. I hope you're feeling better!
