Yes, I went grocery shopping late last night. I HAD to go, we were completely out of milk and a few other things and I couldn't have gone in the morning. D likes to get up and eat almost immediately. So after putzing around the house last night, I finally realized that the grocery fairy was NOT going drop groceries on my front porch.
I figured at 11:30 on a Saturday night, I could get my shopping done in record time. One would think that. Going to WalMart on a Saturday night is the WRONG time to go. They are stocking shelves at that time. Not only stocking shelves, but have HUGE pallets of boxes scattered in the isles.
So, I'm zipping along the isles getting my shopping completed avoiding harried employees and the random box of stuff waiting to be shelved. I have my list in hand and am proud that I'm actually sticking to it. With all the carpet cleaning that happened this weekend, I needed to pick up new spray on cleaner. I locate the isle where the cleaning supplies are kept and see a yellow rope being strung across the isle to block off people from going down it. WHAT?!!! (they need to get pallets down from the racks above the paper products) Hello, shopping being done here. So I say to the guy, "Um, I just need one thing from that isle and I know exactly where it is." He sighs and says that I better make it quick. I duck under the rope and squeeze my way behind a huge pallet of cleaners....literally squeeze because the pallet is about 1 foot from the shelves. I find my products and carefully maneuver my way out of the isle and under the ropes.
What I find interesting about this story is not that they were stocking shelves or anything like that, but blocking off isles when there are many people in the store still shopping. Couldn't they block off isles from 1-3am? I would think that the store is even less crowded at that time. There were plenty of other isles to stock items before you need to block isles to grab pallets off of the top racks. I don't know, it just seemed like poor planning on the part of the employees/management.
Hmmm, maybe next time you should try going north to Safeway (ha,ha,ha). I used to love shopping at midnight when I got off work ... ahhh, the "single" days.