I got to D's school (according to my clock) 3 min early, but the kids were already out of the building. D was waiting under the flag pole with his 5th grade buddy. It was soooo cute! He ran to me and gave me a huge giant hug!
I asked him how school was and he said it was FUN. Then I decided to show him what number his school bus is, so that next week maybe he'll remember. As we were walking towards the bus, his teacher Mrs. B came out to me and told me that D did a fantastic job today. I wasn't worried that he wouldn't. If there is one thing about D that I know, it's that being away from me doesn't phase him. He knows I return and he's got the confidence to make friends where ever he may be.
I've been asking him questions about his day since he's been home.
What did you do at lunch time? ~I went to the place where you watched the movie. (that would be the gym/lunchroom when we went to Kindergarten Round-up.
What did Mommy pack for lunch? he told me
What did you do after I left? ~ I don't remember
What did you have for snack ~ I don't remember. Then later he told me about strawberry pie. Not sure if he had strawberry pie as a snack, but maybe cuz he's never had it with me....I'm a blueberry pie fan.
Did you color? Write? ~ummm, no. WAIT, yes. I wrote and colored my name.
Did you go outside for recess? ~yep. Two times!! (he was all excited)
And I learned that Mrs. B is the police and that she locked the "stuff" into the closet so no one takes it. After some more questions, he was talking about all the school supplies brought to school today. Not sure about the police reference, but it'll be interesting to find out. He talked about his friend J and that they sat together today. We sat down with the school hot lunch calendar and he wants hot lunch 2X this month. Mac N Cheese day and Cheese pizza day. We'll see if he still is excited as the day nears.
Kindergarten certainly made him HUNGRY! He ate 2 chicken legs, broccoli and rice - with NO complaints about the broccoli!! I LOVE KINDERGARTEN!!
Awe. :) Glad it was a success for you both. :)