Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday Fun? Of COURSE!!!

After spending the day eating delicious food, I tried to go take a nap prior to heading out to Toys R Us shopping and then to work.  I said I tried, but failed....I was too excited.  Black Friday for me is like Christmas for kids - I LOVE IT!!  I like the crowds, the people watching, the mayhem that happens.  It's just exciting to experience it and watch it all unfold.

At 6pm, Catrina and I headed off to Big Lots because they were open until 8pm and we may as well start our shopping early.  Stuff was purchased, but I cannot remember what....   Once BL's was done we headed across the river to Toys R Us to stand in line and get in early when they open at 9am.  We were in line at 7.  We people watched, made friends with the people in line with us, tried to bribe Portland Police, tried to bribe TRU workers....yea, it didn't get us far.  Then it was 9pm and the line started moving - YAHHOOOOOOO, let the fun begin!

Catrina and I are no longer amateurs when it comes to BF shopping.  This year, Catrina was a organizational guru!  No longer did we have handwritten lists of what we were going to purchase and where, nooooooooo that's too simple.  This year Catrina organized each child with the items they wanted, THEN listed each store where they could be found AND at which price!!!  This way we knew at a glance that the Angry Bird hooded blankets were the best deal at Kohl's for $19.99, plus an additional 15% coupon I had, PLUS my employee discount.

Once in TRU, we stick together for the initial "big" purchase items that we're seeking, then we divide and conquer on other items (when you have boy and girl items you have to split up).  Once we're satisfied with what's in the cart, we had off to get into line.  However, we tag team while in line.  I stood in line first while Catrina went back into the bowels of the store to find more goodies.  Back she came with an armful of stuff, tagged me from the ropes and I was off!  It's like WWE and Supermarket Sweep all in on!!  (Supermarket Sweep - there's a golden oldie)

We were out of TRU by 11pm.  Back to my house to unload the car and go our separate ways.  Catrina was off for more BF shopping, I was headed inside to get ready for work.  Since I had been up since 7am, I  thought it would be wise to shower and brush my teeth b/c I'm not getting that opportunity until after 12pm the next day.

Kohl's was CRAZY!!!  The line snaked through the store, but I have to say people were all very nice.  In the 9 1/2 hours I worked, I only encountered 1 crabby person.  I started at 1am and we were crazy busy until around 3:30am, then DEAD from 4 until around 7'ish.  By 8:15 we were crazy busy again.  That lasted until I left my register at 11:30.  Catrina was there to meet me for some shopping - which she had already started (YAY!! Cuz I was tired) and we were out of there, had lunch and home by 12:45.  I was asleep by 1, but up at 4pm.  What's a couple of girls to do?  Go SHOPPING!!  Fred Meyers, Target and the Mall were all hit.  We picked up some Green Tea Kitchen (Chinese food) on the way home and collapsed in bed for a long winters nap.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mini promo, BIG compliment!

I have been working at HP for almost 2 months now, fully trained for just over a month.  While I'm still learning some things, I've got things running pretty well in my cube.  My accounts are very very slow and quiet, so I've had lots of downtime which has been noticed by management.  The way our system is set up, I'm not able to walk over to a coworker and just ask if there is something I can help them with because all area's within the system need specific permissions.  I'm only allowed to work on specific accounts - mine.

Today, I was actually working on a claim when the 2 bosses came up behind me and said that they'd like to speak with me.  WHOA - my heart started beating a mile a minute.  I wasn't taken to the open meeting room - the one with no doors where we usually meet for things.  Oh no, I was brought to a conference room that had a door and 3 chairs.  OH CRAP!  We file in, take a seat and shut the door.  GULP.

Tina, we know that your 2 accounts haven't been keeping you very busy.  This is it.  Do you feel that you know what you're doing pretty well?  GULP - yes.  We feel that you are a quick learner and can grasp things pretty quickly, so we've decided that we're going to give you a more challenging account and take away your 2 easy accounts.   AWESOME - gulp.  Sigh of relief!!  The bosses have liked what they've seen so far and have decided to give me a very large account.


The account they are giving me is the account NO ONE wants.  From what I know, it's challenging and the people associated with the account are difficult.  Hey, you know what?  I'm up for the challenge and difficult people are my specialty!!  I'm ready!

EDIT:  I should state that I was not given any raise or bonus or anything for this change.  It's just that I was recognized and given the responsibility of a large difficult account so soon after starting.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who do Voodoo? We do!!

I'm seriously lacking in my blogging!!  I found photo's from this summer that I haven't published yet!

Labor Day weekend, I worked at Kohl's, but also had time to go have some fun in Portland.  After work on Sunday, Catrina and I decided that it was a perfect evening to go meet our friends in Portland for a drink.  A drink turned into an evening of FUN!! A night of fun in Portland is best ended with a VooDoo Doughnut. 

Catrina and Cris

Christian and me

Time to DANCE!!

Christian is excited about what he is displaying!

An actual VooDoo doughnut

Looks DELISH!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Retail Manners Reminder

It's that time of year again, time to remind everyone to BE KIND to the retail staff at the stores you'll be shopping.   With Black Friday quickly approaching and the mayhem that follows, please remember the following:

* Be kind to your retail workers. We're making close to if not minimum wage and we are just the worker bee's of the operation.

* You're going to stand in line.  I don't make the schedules of how many people are on the registers.  Tapping your foot, sighing or complaining LOUDLY does not help the situation.  The extra minutes that you're waiting in line compared to the whole scheme of your lifetime, is a mere blip, so put on a smile, complain about the weather to your neighbor, play Angry Birds on your phone, or read from your NOOK cuz you're going to be waiting in a line at some point.

* Be friendly when we ask you a billion questions.  Would you like a store cc?  Would you like gift receipts?  Do you need boxes?  One of those questions is MANDATORY and the rest are to make YOUR life easier.

*  Don't yell at us or get angry when you can't find a shopping cart, or when the item you want is no longer in your size.

*  Please be aware of the time.  When you hear the "the store is closing" announcement, please do not grab your stuff and "quickly" go try them on in the fitting room.  Head to the nearest register and put the items on hold or pay for them.  The announcement means that the store is C L O S I N G, not a warning bell of when you need to start trying on clothes.  I'm tired and want to go home and I have at least 30 min of work to finish after you've left the store.

*  If you want to apply for the store cc, then do so.  Don't worry about the people behind you - again, perspective people.  For our store cc, it takes LESS than 3 min to complete the process.  I can finish bagging your items in the time that it takes you to complete the application.  If you want it, then get it.  Our bonus' and raises are based upon our new credit card sign-ups.

*  Please don't come to the register with a cart full of items and THEN decide which items you're going to purchase.  Please make those decisions prior to coming to the check out line.  I realize that we have last minute changes of heart (those are fine), I'm talking about when you have a heaping cart full of stuff and more than 5 items are "I'm not going to get that".   I am the one who has to put all the items that you don't want back onto their hangers or folded  and into their proper place - AFTER my shift.

*  From now until February, stores are going to look messy.  Clothes may not always be neatly folded, buttoned, or tied and random items may be found on shelves they don't belong.  As much as we try, the customer/worker ratio is WAY off and we just cannot keep up with demand.

Have a great time shopping - I know I will, but just remember that the workers in the store deserve some credit for doing their job during the hardest time of the year!  AND, if you see a retail worker doing a great job, let them know - it helps us get through the rough days.  I remember specific compliments I've received from customers - complaints go in one ear and out the other.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


4254 - the number of photos deleted from my computer the other night.  There are still over 2000 pictures on my computer, but PHEW, it's a dramatic clean up.  After double and triple checking that the photo's were backed up onto the external hard drive, I didn't have the guts to delete.  Catrina sat there and did do you delete pictures of your baby!!!???!!

Ok, ok, I know that they are not permanently deleted, but it was still moving whole entire area's of his life into the trash can....then emptying said can.  Again, I still think that maybe the old fashioned way of film would just be simpler.

While Catrina sat at the computer, I was busy busy cutting fabric for the upcoming Bazaar I'm participating in.  My MOMS Club group is having a 2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar and this year Catrina and I got the crazy idea I should enter.  I'm making pillowcases - fun pillowcases.  Children themed and Christmas themed ones.  My mom started making pillowcases when my nieces and nephew were little (they are now in their 20's), and I have many pillowcases that I use on a daily basis.  I have pillowcases (multiple patterns) for each holiday - Christmas, New Years, Valentines, (no St. Pats), Easter, Halloween.  Plus, cases for "everyday" use.  Dancing hippo's, flowers, race cars, wolves, polar get the idea.  I have tons and love them!  They add a fun whimsical touch to a bed.  I'll post pictures of them soon.