Sunday, October 28, 2012

A hauntingly great day

Many of my friends tend to visit the same pumpkin patches every year, but I really like variety and exploring the area, so David and I headed off to the little town of Yacolt, WA to visit Pomeroy Farm.  It's small, but they had a lot to do.  We spent 2.5 hrs there just playing games, feeding the animals, and searching for the best pumpkins.

Um, David, I think that's enough. 

Bayonet practice?  Just preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse. 

I LOVE this picture!

Hmmmm, which one do you want David?

Ok, my blog is caught up.  I'm still Diet Coke free and rarely drink any type of pop at all, so I see that as a WIN in my book.  For the most part my life is pretty darn great.  I love seeing my son growing up, I have many friends and well, I'd like to say a job that I love, but at this time....I'll keep mum. 

2nd Grade

OMG!  He's in 2nd grade...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!  I will forever be kicking and screaming that David is getting older.
2nd grade photo.  He wanted his hair parted on the side. 
Happy First day of 2nd Grade!

This was his First Grade photo. He's getting so big!!


As I mentioned in a previous blog, living in the technology age is awesome!  I have reconnected with old friends through Facebook and have been lucky enough to have one come to visit.  Paula and I knew each other as kids, but never really hung out much.  However, our sisters have been friends since the 6th grade.  Who knew we'd laugh so much, drink so much and have so much fun together!  I love showing off Portland and the area, it never gets old.  She even taught me to like the brewery beers that are offered all over this area!  WHO KNEW they'd be so good!!

We were laughing very hard because we were trying to get Haystack Rock in the picture but our heads were always in the way.  This is probably picture #6.

Admiring the starfish and sea life during low tide. 

I was trying to take her to Mt. St. Helens and ended up at Lava Canyon instead.  All well, we all had fun. 

Is it Broken?

A few weeks before the end of school, I just happened to be home from work early and had David take the bus home - a treat for him.  He bounded off the bus and as we were walking home, I noticed that he was favoring his right hand.  I stopped and had him show me his hand.  OMG!!  His pinky was swollen and purple!! 

After texting Matt a picture and asking David more questions about it, we were off to Urgent Care to see if was broken.  Apparently it was a traumatic slide injury that happened at 2nd recess.  David was at the bottom of the slide and another kid came down before David was clear.  WHAM-O the pinky got it.  I was a bit upset that the school didn't call, but whatever.
David's first (and probably not the last) set of x-rays.  

The good news is that nothing was broken.  Ice, elevation, ibuprofen, and rest was on order for the remainder of the weekend. 

Mother's Day 2012

Gosh I have a lot to catch up on!   Here it goes:

It's great living in the modern age of Facebook and texting.  The day before Mother's Day I posted on FB that I was planning on taking David to the beach.  It just so happened that another friend of mine, Misty, had the same idea with her 2 kids (her husband had to work), so we made plans to head out.  Her In-Laws have a house in Cannon Beach just 2 blocks from the beach, and we could park there and walk.  EXCELLENT!!  SURPRISE SURPRISE, the weather at the beach that day was in the 80's, and for anyone who lives in the PNW, the 80's at the beach is a rare treat. 
We started at Seaside for lunch and fun.  Then headed down to Cannon Beach for sandy beach fun!  

Off we go!!

He ordered Lobster Mac N Cheese, but ended up eating MY Steamer Clams! 

It was a long day at the beach, but one that made a perfect Mother's Day.