Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bad Wedding that wasn't?

On the eve of a momentous occasion in Washington state of gay marriage being legalized, I thought I was a bar, but it felt more like a bad wedding.

This summer, I learned about many regular clubs in the Portland area have gay/lesbian dances on specific weekends of the month.  Paula and I went to Blow Pony in June and had a blast.  Last month I went  to Hot Flash with a friend of mine and it's for the 35 and older crowd - hella fun!  So, I thought I'd try another this weekend.  However, I can't always rely on my friends to be available or wanting to go with me to these events, so I decided to do something that I've never done before...I went alone. Hot Flash was a blast, so I figured I could to this different event by myself.  I thought I knew what to expect. This was also an event for the 35+ think they need to change that age b/c there wasn't anyone under 55.  OY!! Shit.

Here I got my courage up to go somewhere alone, and I walked into THIS!!?   OMG!  I sat at the bar and chatted up the nice bartender and texted friends.

The music - was so dated!! I really felt that I was at a bad wedding.  They played the Electric Slide, John Denver, Celebration, and then....COUNTRY MUSIC - with people line dancing!!  Holy hell.  I just laughed.  The only songs not played were the Chicken Dance and the Hokey Pokey.  I was waiting for the brides to walk through the door at any moment.  Which is when my bartender man said:  We're just waiting for a bride to walk in with a bad dress and her hair jacked up to Jesus!  I died.  What an awesome line:  Hair jacked up to Jesus!!

It just so happened that last night was the Portland Santa pub crawl and the last bar they stopped at was the one I was at. Hundreds of Santa's were in the front bar waiting for the dance floor to open.   FINALLY, when the part of the bar I was in was opened up to the public, the night became a blast!  The good music began and dancing ensued!! Santa's of all sorts flooded the dance floor... daaamn, Santa's got some moves!  I was finally glad that I went (and stayed) - even if it was alone.  I was fine.  I had a lot of fun, met some wonderful people and I won't be scared to attend another function alone again...although, I'm crossing THAT event off my list.

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