Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Twas the night before.....what?  Ugh, I won't be starting out my blog with that...

With my surgery scheduled 4 days before Christmas, I was panicked that I wasn't going to get everything finished, but I did! I only had David for a couple of days prior to Christmas Eve (because of my surgery), so we crammed in a TON of Christmas activities in one night!  After work, I grabbed David from daycare and we were off to see Santa and hit Winter Wonderland at the PIR.  Once those were done, we were crossing over the river and saw that the Christmas boats were out.  I quickly veered my car to go see them. 

This was the first year in a long time where I was still shopping a few days before Christmas.  NOT what I like to do.  It would also help if I had opened the boxes that came in the mail from my online purchases before retail shopping.  Saturday night had me running to TRU at 9pm to return something that I purchased twice. 

David asked Santa for Beyblades.  Santa came through except for 1 specific Beyblade that was requested.  Santa never found it - (I)he looked at many stores, but it was OK, David wasn't too disappointed.  Also, David wanted to change his bedroom to be Angry Bird - which surprised me because up until 3-4 weeks ago, all he could talk about was Spiderman.  A new comforter, sheets, blanket and poster transformed his room.  His Birthday is in a few months, so I'll be looking for wall stickers to enhance the look even more.  Santa got me a new body pillow (NEVER buy the cheap pillow from IKEA - it doesn't last long).  I almost blew the Santa fantasy because I wrapped the body pillow from Santa, but the new cover I got from it was wrapped from my dad.  David noticed.  He commented "Mommy, how did Grandpa know that Santa was getting you a new pillow"?  YIKES!  Think fast!!!  "Grandpa didn't know, I told him that Mommy had a pillow and needed a new pillowcase for it".  PHEW! He bought it. 

I decided that David has many toys, so this year I focused on games that we could play together.  Sorry, Jenga, Uno, BananaGrams and Perfection were purchased. 

Enjoy the pics!

I just realized that I didn't get a picture of the Beyblades!!  DOH!!

Today is Christmas and I don't have David.  It's been a relaxing day - I'm trying to get my house cleaned.  Later I'm heading out to the movies with a friend - The Hobbit. 

Addendum:  Geesh, It's February and I just realized that I forgot to talk about the tree.  I thought I talked about it, but I guess not.

I've always gotten a live tree - from a lot.  This year, with funds being tight, I heard about a tree farm that has trees for only $20.  AWESOME!!  In early December, I had a cold (yea, I've been sick twice in as many months), but on a Saturday I mustered enough energy to get out and get a tree.  David and I went out to the tree farm, sloshed though the mud, saw in hand and found our tree.  Onto my knees I went and started sawing.  And sawing.  And sawing, sawing, sawing....OMG!  I was about 3/4 of the way through the trunk and I just couldn't progress. I didn't have anymore energy left.  What's a girl to do?  Find a man who's walking around and ask him politely to help.   YAY!!  Then I saw that the farm has people driving around picking up trees to bring to the tie up area....no need to schlep that thing back.  My tree was shaken, bagged and put into the trunk of car for me. 

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