Tuesday, May 13, 2008

*&!$**#$ Toys!!!

D has a new thing he likes to do. He likes to carry around 1 of the bins that holds his toys and dump it in whichever room he wants to play in. That's fine, we're pretty good with making him pick up the toys.

However, today we didn't get back from Moms Club until late, so it was eat lunch and off to bed. I looked at the room and was horrified at it's state, so I decided to clean up the cars. As I reached down to pick up the bin AND 1 car, I stepped on another car buried under D's sweatshirt. This then pitched me forward (FAST) and I slammed the top of my head into the wall - HARD. At them moment of impact, my neck cracked and compressed together. YOWCHIE!!! The impact was so hard, I'm really surprised there isn't a hole in the wall.

At first I was really mad at what happened, but now....now, I'm laughing every time I think about it! Laughing so hard that my abs hurt!!

So, I'm sitting here typing with an icepack on my head, my neck and foot hurt AND I'm needing a tissue to mop up my tears from laughing.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's official 3 is the new 2

Today proves the theory that age 3 is the new 2. Holy cow!! D has had many meltdowns recently for no reason. Yesterday I watch my friends kids for 1/2 of the day and D is in Potty Training mode, so no diaper. Well, he wet his pants. When I said that we needed to change his pants, you'd have thought I had told him that he could NEVER have a cookie again. So I finally get his pants off and he's now upset b/c I'm opening a diaper, so I then get a new pair of underwear - nope, more meltdown b/c he now want the diaper.

Fast forward to today. I'm trying to get out the door for our Thursday playgroup. Just getting his shoes on was traumatic enough. Phew, shoes on, purse in hand, Diet Coke in purse and keys in pocket. OMG!! I opened the front door. Meltdown. D wanted to open the door. I close the door. Our doorknob sometimes sticks, so D can't get the knob turned. Crying continues...harder. D thinks the door is locked, so he proceeds to turn the deadbolt lock. He gets the knob turned, but now the door is deadbolted shut. I flip the deadbolt - bad idea!! DO NOT TOUCH THE DOOR AT THIS CRITICAL MOMENT!! I flip the deadbolt back. D unlocks the deadbolt, but then locks the knob lock!! OMG! It's a scenario out of an Abbot and Costello movie.

We finally make it out of our house and to our friends house. WELLLLLL, D decides to envoke his TPL rights. Every toy that Nick gets, David proceeds to try to rip it out of Nicks hands. HOLY COW a 3yo has a good grip. I pry his tiny fingers from whatever pilfered toy he's proclaims is his and screams at the top of his lungs.

Yep, 2 was a breeze. 3? 1 month in and I'm ready to quit.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

sooo tired

Who ever said that getting a full nights sleep was a good thing? Last night I was so tired, I went to bed at 9:30. That's at least 2-3 hours earlier than "normal". AND I slept until 6:45 this morning!! That's 9 hours of sleep!!

I'm TIRED!!! My body isn't used to getting all of that sleep, so it's gone into meltdown mode. I really just want to curl up and sleep for another 9 hours....right now. Instead, I'm going to pour myself another Diet Coke and get the laundry done. The never ending chore - like dishes. Oh, have to do those too. UGH.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday night grocery shopping

Yes, I went grocery shopping late last night. I HAD to go, we were completely out of milk and a few other things and I couldn't have gone in the morning. D likes to get up and eat almost immediately. So after putzing around the house last night, I finally realized that the grocery fairy was NOT going drop groceries on my front porch.

I figured at 11:30 on a Saturday night, I could get my shopping done in record time. One would think that. Going to WalMart on a Saturday night is the WRONG time to go. They are stocking shelves at that time. Not only stocking shelves, but have HUGE pallets of boxes scattered in the isles.

So, I'm zipping along the isles getting my shopping completed avoiding harried employees and the random box of stuff waiting to be shelved. I have my list in hand and am proud that I'm actually sticking to it. With all the carpet cleaning that happened this weekend, I needed to pick up new spray on cleaner. I locate the isle where the cleaning supplies are kept and see a yellow rope being strung across the isle to block off people from going down it. WHAT?!!! (they need to get pallets down from the racks above the paper products) Hello, shopping being done here. So I say to the guy, "Um, I just need one thing from that isle and I know exactly where it is." He sighs and says that I better make it quick. I duck under the rope and squeeze my way behind a huge pallet of cleaners....literally squeeze because the pallet is about 1 foot from the shelves. I find my products and carefully maneuver my way out of the isle and under the ropes.

What I find interesting about this story is not that they were stocking shelves or anything like that, but blocking off isles when there are many people in the store still shopping. Couldn't they block off isles from 1-3am? I would think that the store is even less crowded at that time. There were plenty of other isles to stock items before you need to block isles to grab pallets off of the top racks. I don't know, it just seemed like poor planning on the part of the employees/management.


Many of my friends think that I live this crazy lifestyle on the weekends. Well, it's true. In fact last night I went out at 11pm. Yep, that's when I went OUT.....grocery shopping. Really, it was closer to 11:30, but who's counting.

I pull into the parking lot of WalMart and see people exiting the store, no biggie there cuz it is a store. However, what SHOCKED me was the 3-4 people I saw wheeling around toddlers in carts. TODDLERS at 11:30 at night!! Come on people. Put your kids to bed and go shopping in the morning. These are probably the same people who complain that the kids are so crabby during the day. I'm just looking as an outsider to the situation, but none of the 3-4 carts of toddlers did I see a single female or male pushing it. They all had a partner with them. Ummmm, couldn't one of you stay home with the child while the other went shopping? Was it that vital that both adults went and dragged along the toddler?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So disgusted

I'm totally grossed out today! I borrowed a carpet cleaner from my friend because there were a couple of carpets in the house that really needed a cleaning. OMG!! SOOO gross. In fact, one carpet was so gross that I'm going to clean it again today.

I cannot believe that I allowed the carpets to become so gross. Darned dogs. I told M that we need to just bite the bullet and buy a carpet cleaner. I'd probably use it every 2-3 months....especially after seeing what was pulled out of my carpets.