Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Retail rant

As everyone knows, I've been working part-time at Kohl's for about 1.5 years now and I just have a few pet peeves for customers from the workers perspective. 

  • At 9:45 at night, when we close at 10pm, don't ask the ridiculous question:  Is this the only register open on this side?   DUUUUHHHHH!!  We're closing in 15 min!  Maybe you should have brought your stuff to the register 15 min ago when I didn't have a line.
  • I want to go home too.  I've been standing at the register for 4 hours or more, and I don't really want to be there longer than I have to, so please when you hear the announcement that we're closing in 15 min stop shopping and go check out.  You can come back tomorrow. 
  • I really don't want to touch the damp money that you have just removed from your bra, sock, back pocket or where ever you had it on your body!!  Wallets are made for a purpose. 
  • Don't shift side to side on your feet and sighing when you do have to stand in line.  Lines happen - deal with it or leave!
  • Don't bring an entire cartfull of clothing to the register, wait in line and THEN decide what you're going to keep or not!  
  • Write your check while I'm ringing up your items.
  • Back to the CLOSING time shopping.  As retail clerks, just because you, the customer, has left the store, it doesn't mean that my work is done and I get to leave.  I have to take all the clothes that people abandoned or didn't want to purchase (when they got to the register) and return them to where they belong in the store.  I have to take all the hangers to the storage room and sort them, clean the counters and then go help the floor associates straighten up or fold clothes so the store looks great for the next day.  I don't leave for 30-45 min after the store closes! 
  • Utilize the price scanners within the store.  
  • I HAVE to ask you if you want a Kohl's charge.  It's required.  Be polite and just say no or lie and say you have one but won't be using it, even when I have to ask again.  Again, I HAVE to do it...
While I really do like working retail, these are just a few of the most common things I encounter almost every time I work.  Most of the time, customers make me smile and laugh.  Even those of you who are rude - we just laugh AT you later. 


  1. All reasons I hated working at Sears.. I hate retail, and I hate customers. But I'm glad you can get some joy out of it!

  2. Hmmm, this makes me want to shop elsewhere :)
