Saturday, September 18, 2010

Labor Day Camping - Day 1

A few weeks prior to Labor Day weekend, Catrina, Cris, Christian and I decided to go camping.   Cris and Christian did all the planning and reserving of our spot on the coast.  We left on Saturday to Barview Jetty Campground in Garibaldi OR and it was WONDERFUL!  It's on the coast of OR with a very short walk to the beach!  Chris and Christian took one car and Catrina and I in mine - with old mixed CD's, we danced, sang and laughed our way to the coast. 

Our campsite was PERFECT!!  We had our own "island" area - meaning we had no other campsites on our piece of land, we were very close to the bathrooms and only a short walk to the beach.  Once we set up camp, it was time to break open the wine and mix some drinks.  Cris NEVER drinks - except today and that was fun!  Evening #1 was spent sitting around the campfire, drinking, making S'Mores and playing some cards.  However, I had a problem with a S'More - somehow I ended up with marshmallow on my boob and all down my sleeve of my shirt.  Ummmmm, perhaps the rum had something to do with that....
Campsite before

Weekend Chalet

At the beach with LARGE drinks in hand. 


S'More problems
Cris trying to help with clean-up

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Agitated animal mom

Since moving into an apartment complex, I've had to rid my apartment and animals of fleas and now I was cleaning up after Oreo and saw a wriggly white worm!!  UGH!  Immediately called the vet, who reassured me that it's probably tape worm, started most likely from the flea's and is NOT transferable to humans - cuz then I'd be really disgusted. 

So, off to the vet I go tomorrow to get meds and Amos checked.  I now have to take Amos to the vet b/c he hasn't been in for a check up in over a year.  Grrrrrrrrrr!  The vet won't prescribe the meds w/out a recent exam.  Of course.  Maybe instead of TW, these animals need an ATM installed up their rears so they can poop out the wads of cash it's going to take to get rid of these parasites!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cave & injury pictures

I got Cris' memory card from his camera which held his Boo-Boo pictures and more cave pictures.

This is why we were very close to being removed from the Hospital!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day Wrap-up

I got to D's school (according to my clock) 3 min early, but the kids were already out of the building.  D was waiting under the flag pole with his 5th grade buddy.  It was soooo cute!  He ran to me and gave me a huge giant hug! 

I asked him how school was and he said it was FUN.  Then I decided to show him what number his school bus is, so that next week maybe he'll remember.  As we were walking towards the bus, his teacher Mrs. B came out to me and told me that D did a fantastic job today.  I wasn't worried that he wouldn't.  If there is one thing about D that I know, it's that being away from me doesn't phase him.  He knows I return and he's got the confidence to make friends where ever he may be.

I've been asking him questions about his day since he's been home.

What did you do at lunch time?  ~I went to the place where you watched the movie.  (that would be the gym/lunchroom when we went to Kindergarten Round-up.
What did Mommy pack for lunch?  he told me
What did you do after I left?  ~ I don't remember
What did you have for snack ~ I don't remember.  Then later he told me about strawberry pie.  Not sure if he had strawberry pie as a snack, but maybe cuz he's never had it with me....I'm a blueberry pie fan.
Did you color?  Write?  ~ummm, no.  WAIT, yes.  I wrote and colored my name.
Did you go outside for recess?  ~yep.  Two times!!  (he was all excited)

And I learned that Mrs. B is the police and that she locked the "stuff" into the closet so no one takes it.  After some more questions, he was talking about all the school supplies brought to school today.  Not sure about the police reference, but it'll be interesting to find out.  He talked about his friend J and that they sat together today. We sat down with the school hot lunch calendar and he wants hot lunch 2X this month.  Mac N Cheese day and Cheese pizza day.  We'll see if he still is excited as the day nears. 

Kindergarten certainly made him HUNGRY!  He ate 2 chicken legs, broccoli and rice - with NO complaints about the broccoli!!  I LOVE KINDERGARTEN!!

Bye Mom

Today is the first day of Kindergarten for D!  OMG!!  This year the school district went to Full Day rather than the f'd up system they tried last year.   All the schools in the district are doing Smart Start days for the new Kidneybeaners this year, but not every school is the same - weird.  D is going to school today (all day), but won't return until Tuesday. However, C (C's little boy) goes to a different school and his Smart Start day was going to school with mom for only 20 min.  The teacher apparently did assessments to see what he knew and he doesn't return until Tuesday.  D's school has split the classes into thirds, so only 6 kids were there this morning.  They said that they wanted to get the kids adjusted to the full day schedule with a small group of kids, and also it fosters the opportunity to make some "friends". 

Last night was the Open House for the school, so it was the first time that D got to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  Prior to the OH, he knew he was going to school, but all he had to compare it with was preschool, so his excitement level was moderate.  Until this morning - every 20 min he asked if we were leaving soon.  That started about 7:30am and school doesn't start until 9:15!! 

I packed his lunch, packed his backpack with all of his supplies, pictures were taken and we were off.  D was not able to ride the bus this morning and I didn't know that he was actually able to ride the bus home today, so I'll be picking him up.  He can ride the bus starting Tuesday.  Prior to walking out of the house, D looked up at me and said
"Bye Mommy"
"Honey, I'm driving you to school and walking you into class"
"I know, but I wanted to say bye to you now"

Oh child, you do know how to melt my heart.  School, of course, was a madhouse, but we made it to his class.   I vowed this morning NOT TO CRY and I didn't, but it was a close one!!  We were standing in line waiting for Mrs. B to check D into class and I was overwhelmed with emotion - sooooo close to tears.

D got checked in and was asked to grab a book from the shelf to read.  Mom's were allowed to stay as long as we wanted.  D wanted me to read a book, so we sat down.  Not long after, D's name was called by Mrs. B - he was chose with another little boy, J, to take walk our Mommy's to the office to drop of the attendance slips.  D will be the "office teacher" for the next week and teach the other students in class how to do it.   He was sooooo excited!  We returned from our adventure and I kissed him good-bye.

It's a bittersweet moment.  Since moving to Vancouver, being D's mom has been my life.  NO, I'm not relinquishing my MOM card, but all of my friends are tied into being D's mom and being able to meet during the day, having the kids play...etc.  This is all changing.  It's another new chapter in my life.  Next week I start my new job at pre-school teaching 3yo's while still remaining at Kohl's for now.  They're just pissing me off at the moment, so I'll be looking for a different/new PT evening job.

Here are D's FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN pictures.
Welcome the Class of 2023!!