Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's a boobie blog

For over a year C has been pestered by a pain in her breast.  At first it was just a pain....not only a physical pain, but also a P A I N!     Last year she went to her PCP who blew her off and stated that she's too young to have anything wrong and didn't pursue the source of pain.  After many months of nagging pain and eventually the pain becoming a lump, she made an appt with an OB/GYN to have it looked at and she asked me to attend the appt so I could ask questions if C didn't.  The GYN found the lump almost immediately, made some faces and then ordered C to see a general surgeon and recommended to the surgeon to have an ultrasound and mammogram performed.  The GYN would have ordered the mammo/US, but because the lump was painful, only a general surgeon could remove it.

C saw the surgeon in January and he immediately stated that where the lump was located an U/S and mammo will not be a true indication of what this thing is.  PLUS, he said that b/c it was so painful to her, why not just go in and have it removed.  He wouldn't remove it if it wasn't so painful to her.  Surgery was scheduled.

The surgery was performed on Monday and everything went well (I have pre-op pictures, but have been threatened death if I publish them).   After several pre-op attempts at inserting an IV and resorting to using heat therapy, the nurse finally got an IV going.  We chatted, made jokes, and tried to get C's mind off of the procedure.  I didn't want to seem nervous, but I was.  This was C's first surgery and at that, she was going to be AWAKE!!  YIKES!!  That scared the dickens out of me and I wasn't even having the procedure done!  One nurse in particular didn't find me very funny when I whipped out my phone for pictures after she plopped the hair net cap onto C's head.  It was lopsided, like a were definitely in order!!  Just before wheeling her off to the OR, they gave her goofy meds and she says that she remembers being wheeled into the OR, moving to the OR table, her left arm being strapped down and that's it. 

Less than 45 min later, the Dr. came out of OR and stated that he was 99% sure that it was just a fibroid.  An hour later we were on our way back home.  I brought C back here with her drugs and set her up on the couch.  I had arranged to have D stay at his Daddy's on Monday (no school, it was Presidents Day).  Monday, C was feeling OK.  Not great, but not in a lot of pain either.  Tuesday....BAD!!  All of the stress/shock had worn off and the Vicodin wasn't touching her pain.  She had originally planned on trying to go back to work on Wed, but after Tuesday's awfulness, she decided to just stay home again.  Yesterday, she slept most of the day....literally, she was awake for less than 7 hours yesterday!! No vicodin yesterday, only Ibuprofen.

Woke up this morning to schools being closed and the roads a mess with a couple of inches of snow on the ground.  I didn't want C to even attempt driving into work because I didn't want her to have to jerk the steering wheel and hurt herself.  The woman has a mind of her own and off she went.  I received a text 30 min later stating that her office was closed and she was returning.  Low and behold, my prediction was right.  On her way into work, a car splashed water onto her windshield and she had to turn her wheel hard.  Now she's in pain again.  Vicodin on board and her butt on the couch.

Good news though....she called the dr. and it was just a benign tumor!!  PHEW!!!

GIRLS!!!  Do your regular breast checks.  When you do find something, don't allow a dr. to poo-poo you off.   Get the answers you seek - regardless if you feel you're the biggest bitch in the world.


  1. Glad C is doing better - sounds like she had some rough days. I wasn't sure what you were talking about on FB about this. Wonderful news it's just fibroid - or is that just a guess for now while they process it? You're a great girlfriend to be taking care of her! You know what my word verification is on this? Mastomy. How close does this random word come to the topic of the post!?! Crazy.

  2. The test results are negative. She called yesterday and it was confirmed. YIPPPEEE!!

  3. AND the word capcha was FREAKY!!! It was like the one on Jeri's blog, when I replied to her moving day. It was something like....Flyaway...

  4. How scary for you guys! I'm so glad to hear that everything was ok!
