Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wise beyond his years...

So a couple of weeks ago, D asked if he could go play with C2.  I had to break the news to him that no he cannot.  He asked why and I told him that C and I are not getting along and we aren't seeing each other, so that means we can't go play with C2.  He then said matter-of-factly:  "Mommy, just because you and C are fighting shouldn't keep me from playing with C2."   Oh man, that made me break down into a puddle of tears. 

This weekend also brought up the C3 conversation again. 
Mommy, are you and C still not talking to each other? 
No, we are not.  I'm sorry that this is happening and that you're not able to play with C2. 
Well Mommy, I think we should drive over to C's house and I'll put you into time out and C2 can put C into time out.  When your time out is done, we can all play together and be happy. 

I had to leave the room with that one.  It was very hard to hear, to think about, to process.  If life could only be that easy....

1 comment:

  1. That's really sad, but you can only hope in a few more week's time, he will be less focused on making a way to spend time with the C's. Distract him with playdates with other friends! Life can be hard on kids but he's loved and cared for so something like this is small fries in the grand scheme.
