Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MOMS Club Camping 2011

My MOMS Club that I've belonged to since moving here has an annual camping trip.  This year, the organizer decided to keep it close to Vancouver, so she got the group campsite at Battle Ground State Park - about 15 miles away.  WONDERFUL!!  There were about 8 families who went this year which meant about 23 kids and 11 adults.  The campsite was perfect for our group.  Yes, it rained (sprinkled) on Sat. morning and Sunday but no one cared - we were camping!!  All the kids got dirty, but no one cared - we barely saw the kids the whole weekend.  We set up camp on Friday, had a community dinner (we decided that dinners would be community and preplanned.  Friday was Mac n Cheese and Spaghetti - each of us were assigned to bring a certain food item to share with the group.  Saturday was burgers and dogs. Fantastic idea!!)  After putting all kids to bed, the alcohol was opened and the party began.  Erin, Catrina and I stayed up talking (in the rain) until almost 4am - others faded out around 2-2:30am!!!  OY!!  So, Saturday was met with exhaustion and hangovers.  S'Mores help.   Saturday was spent fishing at the lake and sitting around the campfire.  Catrina didn't feel well, so she napped all afternoon.  Again, the kids were no where to be found for most of the day.  Saturday night was tame and most of us retired to our tents by midnight.  Sunday was met with rain, so we packed up and were home before 10am.  Hot showers, clean clothes and a roof over our head....NICE!!

This was just the alcohol that I could find.  There was more.

Nikki rescuing a fishing line caught in the reeds.  She's so brave!

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