We've all heard that saying, but it needs to be updated to "fit" our modern world. When you blab something on the internet NOT thinking or remembering that others may read it. What would that saying be? Type with fingers insert into shredder. ?
Here is the story. My sister is the only one who doesn't know, so SIS brace yourself. Yesterday i posted on many message boards the news that Shawn's, my nephew, prognosis was stated as incurable cancer. Laura, (M's sister and Shawn's mom) didn't tell anyone this news - just M. Being that I belong to many message boards, including myspace, I get a lot of inquiries on how Shawn is doing, so I post updates. WELL, here is the Open Mouth Insert Foot aspect of this comes in.... I posted an update on my myspace page - M's younger sister, Heather, is a friend on my page!! She learned of this news via myspace. YIKES!! DUMB DUMB DUMB!! I totally forgot that she's on my page. Innocent mistake, but a dumb one too. SOOOO, not only did she learn this news, but then proceeded to tell the family!! UGH!!
So, if you know how to modernize the phrase, please let me know. I didn't really open my mouth, I typed it on the internet. grrrrrr.
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