Monday, September 8, 2008

Ummmm, I am working....hard!

About 2 months ago, D came down with a fever illness that sidelined me from going to the gym for 2 weeks. THEN, I came down with a cold and then I did something to my shoulder. SOOOO, I haven't been to the gym in 2 months - at least!

I went back today. UGH! It was hard. It was hard to get motivated to go and then the workout was hard too. My shoulder still hurts, but I'm tired of not going to the gym and the Chiro can't really determine what is wrong, so I decided that gaining 5lbs was not good.

As one imagines, not exercising for months takes its toll on the body. I was struggling during class. I take a Power Circuit class where we have different aerobic type stations with a small group and work for 3-5 min. Like jumping rope or running up and down stairs. I'd do a small amount of work, then have to either walk a bit or get some water - just to catch my breath. But I was working and working hard.

In between the circuits the instructor usually has us do some weights, push-ups or some other form of muscle building torture. During one segment, she had us do push-ups. I tried to do one, but it really hurt my shoulder, so I opted not to do more. The instructor questioned me and I told her about the shoulder. She then chided me about my performance...."um, most of the activities today didn't require you to use your shoulder". OK, if this wasn't an instructor that I knew pretty well and I know her sense of humor I'd be offended, but I brushed it off and continued.

My legs are putty, my back hurts, I'm sweaty and feeling great!! Those endorphins are great things to make you feel good.

I'm back again for another round of torture on Wednesday!!

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