Thursday, August 28, 2008

If D can do it, so can I!!

Yesterday was filled with excitement. I took D down to Little Clippers to get his hair cut and he didn't cry. Not even a whimper!! YES YES YES! He even had clippers used on him for the first time ever. He's such a big boy!

Apparently, he inspired me to call for a hair appt. I needed a color SOOOO bad. M disagreed - he said that it was very popular and stylish to have the ring of dark hair on top of the head of blond hair. As I was speaking to the girl on the phone, she asked if I wanted a cut too. SUUUUURRE! Why not, my bangs are hanging in my eyes. That evening I zoomed off to my appt. and sat in the chair to determine what I wanted to do. I was bored with my current look. I needed a change. After speaking with the stylist and seeing some pictures, I looked above the stylists chair and saw the cut I wanted. Just then my colorist walked over to say hi and I pointed out what I wanted. She then got TOTALLY excited and started talking about how she was going to color my hair.


Yep, it's short and dark! I really think that it shed about 10lbs from my body. Can't wait to show everyone....LIVE!!


  1. Way cute! What a stylish mom you are! I am envious!

  2. Cute! Bet you feel even sassier now, huh? :) I like it!

  3. I love it. Very you. And totally trendy. I wish I could get myself to a salon for some very necessary modernization! You go! David looks great too.
