Friday, June 20, 2008

Garage Sales

The day started early with getting D out of the house for some running around. I called my friend around 9:30 to see if she could watch D for me for about an hour while I ran to find new aerobics shoes. It's very difficult to shoe shop when you have a 3yo running around. Krista then said that it was fine, but did I want to garage sale....hmmmm....YES!!

WOW!! It is different shopping with a girlfriend vs with my husband. M doesn't mind garage saling, but at the same time, he tends to walk through sales quickly. If things don't catch his eye right away, then he moves on. Not Krista, she looks through boxes (I don't even do this), but I'm glad she did b/c I found some neat stuff - junk, but stuff. Out of 1 box I found the police car from Cars, a microphone (that works with new batteries) and The Magic Mystery Machine bus(yes, from Scooby Doo - D is a HUGE fan).... all for $.25!! Not $.25 each, all 3 for that price. WOW!!

I also bought a couple kids movies, books for me (I have to share with Krista) and a game for D. All in all, it was a pretty productive day.

1 comment:

  1. Looked like you were having a lot of fun today--THANKS for stopping by!!!
