Thursday, June 12, 2008

Icky Sicky

Last evening D had a small fever - 100'ish. Not real high, but enough that he just crashed on the couch and laid there until bedtime. And high enough that he didn't even protest once when I said it was bedtime. Poor guy. I did give him some medicine to help bring down the fever.

Just as I was crawling into bed at 11pm, I heard him crying. This is unusual for him b/c when he goes to bed, he's generally down for the night. M said that he'd get up and see what was wrong. Suddenly, I hear "help" from the other room. I spring out of bed and fling open D's door. M then says, we need a towel, D threw up. I grab a dog towel (you know, those old towels that have now been vanquished to being used only for the dogs) and go into D's room.

As my friend Casey says: Oh. My. Hell.

Everything the D has eaten from his nap to bedtime, including the red juice is now all over his sheets. All over his shirt and now all over M b/c he's holding D. I start the process of stripping the bed and starting the washing machine. I get the bed changed and then work on getting D cleaned up. I was smart and double sheeted D's bed. Mattress pad, sheet, another mattress pad and another sheet on top. This way if he throws up again, all I have to do is take off the 1 layer. Amazingly enough, D didn't get any in his hair, pants or socks!!! Just his shirt. WOW!!

Today has been good so far - knock on wood. No fever, no sickies. Hopefully, this was a one time bug that is gone. He's wanting to eat and drink a lot, so it's been hard to restrict him from those things. He's had some toast and a little bit of juice. I want to see how that sticks before I give him more. It's a lazy TV day today. I bought him a new movie and I'm sure we'll watch it at least 3 or 4 times today.

1 comment:

  1. Tummy troubles are the worst. Is it a bug? something they ate? UGH! We've had 2 rounds in the last 2 months. I like your double-sheet idea. I wish I could do that, but I can barely get one sheet on--too tight. I hope D and his rash are all doing better.
