Saturday, July 5, 2008


Cross my fingers and slap me silly, but I do believe that I can officially declare that D is potty trained!! Well, at least for Number 1, number 2 still has yet to make an appearance.

There has only been 1 accident in 3 days which included an entire day, today, being dragged from one store to another. YIPPEEE. His accident occurred yesterday at the 4th of July party we were at. He must have been playing too hard and forgot.

I'll never forget the look on his little face when he told me. He walked up to me with his head hung low and mumbled something. I asked him to repeat it, and he stated that he was wet. I thought perhaps it was from the bubbles he was playing with, but then his hand went to his pants. He looked up at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes and remorse probably thinking that he was going to have to go home. No, I didn't take him home like I threatened to, I took him inside and peeled off the wet clothes and put on new shorts I had in my purse.

Apparently, instead of carrying around diapers and wipes, I now carry around MORE stuff. Clean underwear, pants AND wipes....oh, and a grocery bag to put the wet clothing in. The wipes are solids.

As of 10am this morning, we have poo poo in the potty!! WHOOO HOOOO!!!! He went all by himself, didn't tell us until he was done.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! Great job 'D'! Must have been something in the air this weekend ... Nick went #2 on Sunday night. He tooted on his way back downstairs after going up to get a new pull up. Then ran past Dad and said "something's coming" and went right for his potty. Hasn't happened since ... just 2 very runny Pull-ups. Oh well!
