D has a new saying: That's OK. It happens. AND, the funniest part is that he knows how and when to use the phrase properly. Apparently, I use this phrase often.
Something else that has also "sunk in" is potty training. I was on the computer this morning and I heard D playing with his dino's in the TV room. Here is what I heard:
"No going pee pee in your pants"
"Makes mommy and daddy mad, and me too"
"You go pee pee in the potty"
"Is pee pee coming? You tell me when it coming"
"That's OK. It happens"
During this monologue I peeked my head around the corner to see what/who he was talking to. He was potty training his dinosaurs!! Yep, he had them lined up in front of him and telling them about going potty.
Apparently, potty training is now ingrained into my poor child's head.
I'd love to use that phrase, unfortunately, I had too many "accidents" (more like a lazy @$$ child who stalled) this weekend to feel like using it. I despise laundry!!!