Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Poor Little Man

Today is the nicest day we've had in a few weeks and, of course, D is sick. VERY sick. He's had a stuffy nose for a couple of days and a raspy voice, but I couldn't tell if it was allergies or a cold. Well, today, I can say for sure that it's not allergies. He's got a fever - 104 has been the highest today.

Oh, he's just pathetic looking. He's just laying on the couch (we're on movie #3 today), sometimes shivering violently and has a glassy look in his eyes. He doesn't want anything to eat, but will drink, so I'm ok with that. I'm guessing that his throat hurts. He wet through a diaper at nap time, so I'm not concerned about his liquid intake.

It's so hard as a Mother to see your child feeling so rotten. All he wants is for me to take away his misery and I can't. The medicine works for a while, then starts to wear off.

No going to the beach tomorrow. No parks for a few days. It's going to be a LONG week.


  1. Poor little guy! Give him a hug from us. Hopefully the cold will pass quickly :)

  2. Awwwww...I am so sorry for you both. It's so hard as the mommy to watch our babies struggling and there isn't anything we can do. I hope he feels much better tomorrow.

  3. Keep checking me email today. How's he doing? Did the fever break? Big hugs from us!
