Sunday, March 16, 2008

Drunk Drama

Why is it that when girls go out together that some need to create drama? I will not go into details, but let's just say that tonight was less than stellar and I had been looking forward to it for a long long time.

Bunco was a blast, it was the after bunco that wasn't so fun. It's 3:47am and I'm still waiting for the drama to end so I can go to bed. See, it's taking place in my own freaking house!!! OMG!! WOMEN!! I just wanted to go to the bars, drink and dance. That's it. period. end of story. Obviously that didn't happen. No details will be revealed, but T ain't happy.


  1. I have more of what you want (like Season 3 and 4) so ummm...I'm holding them hostage until I get details. Email works. :)

    LOL!!! :)

  2. Hmmm, I can only imagine and probably am not even close. Sorry the night didn't go as planned. Have you at least found a new love? I know you and the Captain were possibly parting ways.
