Thursday, March 20, 2008


A few of my friends in my Mom's Club believe that I need an intervention of some sort. See, there are things that I tend to leave out of my blogs - such as my shirt I was wearing on St. Pat's night out.... It said: Check out THESE shamrocks! Personally, I thought it was hallarious - and so did many a bar partron that evening.

What really is happening is that these small group of friends are finally starting to see the real me. They've always known that I was a little wild and "non conforming", BUT I don't think they realized to what extent. I was asked today if in my "youth" I stayed out late and went to bars like I do now - I replied no, but when I thought about it, yes, I did.

There was a long spell when I didn't go out. I was a complete homebody, but looking back, I did miss it. I also want to state that not every time I go out do I drink. I didn't miss the drinking, just the social aspects of going out and having some good ole fun.

So, my friends, try an intervention - however, you may find yourself at a bar with me having a grand ole time!!


  1. I tease because I care. :) And no worries - if I really thought you were in trouble I'd be on you like white on rice. :)

    And umm....maybe part of me is waaaay jealous. Maybe? Yeah - that's all I'm owning up to. Maybe.


  2. Listen up lady, I'd be at the bar with you if I ever got invited! I actually miss the days of going out! Mostly I just chill at a friend's house, but it's SO not the same. Let's get an unofficial bar night on the MC calendar. Maybe an invite on SS?!
