Thursday, March 20, 2008

Grocery bagging

My sister called me yesterday to give me a topic to blog about. She was seething about something that just happened to her. Her question to me is: What has happened to baggers at the grocery store? Why do they NOT know how to bag groceries?

It is so true. Why do the stores feel that it is necessary to give us multiple bags for a few items? Is it really necessary that the eggs go into their own separate bag? Does that bag have special teflon coating which will prevent anything from damaging eggs? Plus, I do believe that those plastic bags can hold more than just 1 shampoo bottle and a National Enquirer. Perhaps I'm overestimating the tinsle strength of plastic grocery bags, but I can swear that I can fit 4 sweaters, 3 pairs of pants and 2 pairs of shoes into one bag when I'm sending things off to Goodwill.

My sister worked in a local grocery store in high school. Back then the stores actually taught kids how to bag groceries. Heavy items on the bottom and lighter/delicate things on top.

Frozen/cold items should go together. I really don't want to see my deodorant or shampoo go into the bag packed with frozen peas and pizza. Nor do I want to find my cottage cheese at the bottom of the bag that housed my cereal. Don't get me started on peppers - I've seen baggers put the green peppers on the bottom of the bag!!?? Oh, banana's too. GEESH!!

Maybe my next career should be a Bagging Consultant. I can go around the country teaching people how to properly bag groceries.

Oh, perhaps I should write a book:
Bagging for Dummies
Where do I put the pickles? Tips for being the best bagger.
Pack your Bags
Groceries: It's not just a job, but a career!

1 comment:

  1. Excuse me ... but were you in my head today??? Yes, after playgroup, I toddled off to Safeway. If you thought I was a bit neurotic anyway, you haven't seen me shop. Yes, I "bag" my shopping cart. Cold stuff together, diet coke boxes and/or cleaning products under the cart, etc. That way when I check out ... I send the groups along the conveyor belt ... hoping ... praying ... that somehow the genius who bags them will keep them in their happy litte groupings. I have gone out of my way to avoid specific checkers because I KNOW my bananas will end up on the frozen peas, she (the checker) will grab my nice loaf of bread dead center and squeeze it hard as she shoves it in the bag, or I will find my mushrooms and tomatoes in the same bag with the 8-pack bars of soap. Have I EVER let a bagger help me unload my groceries into my car? Nope. Not even on the day my son was born. So, next time you're in the Safeway parking lot and see someone "re-bagging" groceries at the back of her car ... please stop by and say hello!

    p.s. Are you willing to take on a co-author???
