Sunday, May 29, 2011

It really is Easy (Off).

I was thinking yesterday, that I'm doing the same thing this Memorial Day weekend that I did a year ago.  I am cleaning and organizing the apartment.  Yea, I'm full of fun.  Yesterday's cleaning plans didn't progress as I had on my list (I hate doing it, so I tend to get distracted easily - I feel like Doug from the movie UP.  SQUIRREL).  I was exhausted, so I didn't even start until after 11am.  However, I did get through D's room and have a HUGE box of old toys to sell, wooden train set, Little People garage...etc.  He'll be here Tuesday morning and get final decision over what I feel needs to go.  We already agreed that the train would go - hopefully he'll agree with the rest.    I was dreading cleaning my oven.  I've always had a self cleaning oven - just start the self cleaning, once it's cool, just wipe out the ash at the bottom of oven, not so sure that a regular oven would be so simple.  I bought some Easy Off and applied it Friday night to sit 8 hours overnight.   Just as the name implies, it was EASY!!   After it sat overnight, I opened the oven and took paper towels and just wiped away the crud.  After the major stuff was gone, I wiped it out with a damp rag - clean oven!  Today's plans include my room, bathroom and clean the carpets. 

I MUST get these carpets cleaned, they're grossing me out!!  MUST MUST MUST!!  I have 10 hours before I have to run off to class tonight, luckily I've done the homework already.  Yep, I'm taking a class that meets even on Holiday weekends (4th of July weekend too).  It's only 13 weeks long, so they just want to get it done before summer is completely over.  They also provide childcare, so the Sunday's I have D, he just comes along which is wonderful and keeps my stress down. 

Also, after much motivation from my brother, I am in full force of job hunting.  Even on the weekends I'm sending out massive amounts of resume's.  OH! And this week starts the Biggest Loser weight loss challenge that we've started in my MOMS Club!  There is about $100 on the line to WIN - and WIN I shall (got that ladies).  I just have to keep busy, it keeps my mind occupied.

Time to get dressed and go get some MAJOR caffeine supplies.  I think I'll walk up to the gas station and buy an AMP and newspaper. 

Still no camera.  DAMN!  I'll have to budget to buy a new one....UGH! 

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