Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sun Break - Day 4

Day 4 - the perfectly timed sunshine!
When living in the Pacific Northwest, we know that it rains...a lot.  It's soooo great when we do get that sun break at the most perfect time.   Catrina, me and the kids just got done with lunch and we decided that it was not raining, let's run to WalMart and buy some outdoor toys and head to a park.  Dash inside the store, get what we needed (frizbee, boomarangs, scoop ball catcher...etc) and we exit the store - to have it raining.  DARN!  So, we decide to head home.  2 blocks from home, the sun shines again (that's how it happens out here), I happen to have a park just 1 block from my apt., so we make a mad dash to the park thinking that if we even had 30 min of fun is better than none at all.  1.5 hours later and 3 tired kiddo's (and mommies) it started to rain again.

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