Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Power Hour...uh, no - Day 10

Day 10 - getting a power nap.  
I am not one who takes long naps.  Nope, I'm a 15-20 min power napper.  Most of the time, if I nap more than 20 min, I wake up more groggy and unable to snap out of the sleep.  I am also one who doesn't like to waste the day away by sleeping through it (I'm an early riser too).  I powered through 13 hours of hiking out of the Grand Canyon, at night, after being up all day, survived on a 20 min power nap in the middle of the trail.  In the last 4 days, I've probably had about 15 hours of sleep, but a 20 min power nap really just does the trick to keep me moving. 

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