D is a total daddy's boy. Which is fine with me when M is home - it gives me a break. However, it becomes frustrating when D will do things only for daddy. Such as eating food. He'll eat and try all sorts of food for Daddy, but when Mommy asks, begs and pleads - no way!! Broccoli for example, D gobbles it up for Daddy, but when Daddy isn't home and I give it to him, forget it. He won't eat it. Grrrrrrr!! D won't even put it in his mouth to try it. Tonight D even tried roasted chicken, he promptly spit it out, but he tried it because Daddy asked him to.
It's always interesting around here when Daddy travels - this week will be very interesting. M is gone all week until next Monday. UGH. D may survive on Mac N Cheese, yogurt, pancakes and an occasional pea.
I had an "I don't like it" epiphony tonight ... I made cheese ravioli with chicken and a light alfredo sauce. Nick ate all but the last few bites while at the same time declaring "I don't like this Mac & Cheese." Turns out, he meant that he was full. I can now add another phrase to my "Toddler Speak" dictionary.