Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Busy busy and OH, I can't walk

So the next 24 hours are going to be very busy. Plus I'm sooo freakin sore from aerobics on Monday, that I can hardly walk. AND, to punish myself further, I'm off to another aerobics class in 30 min. Oh, let's not forget 1 week from today my sister comes into town.

To give you a brief idea exactly how busy I'm going to be in the next 24 hours here is a brief list of things that I have to do.

Go to the gym
Clean the house
Finish laundry
Mail adoption portfolio's to agency
Run to liquor store for weekend hydration
Paint the bathroom
Pack David and I for our weekend away
Find the dog leashes and vaccination forms
Do something with the stew meat that I took out of the freezer 2 days ago
Make sure that M has all of his stuff for his weekend in Chicago
Take M to the airport at 6am tomorrow
Go to Casey's house for playgroup
Take dogs to kennel
Get our stuff in the car
Pack D into the car
Drive to Puyallup for weekend away

THEN when I return on Sunday, I need to be sure to finish painting the bathroom so M can lay the floor on Monday & Tuesday night, so we can at least have a toilet on the first floor when my sister and Mom are visiting.


  1. know, I wouldn't really take it all that personally if you skipped playgroup. How are you going to get it all in? That's a looooooong day waiting for you. WOW!

  2. The best comment I can come up with is "Good luck, I'm cheering for you"

    At least if M asks "What did you do all day, you'll have a list!"

  3. Hey, half the battle of not forgetting to do it all is getting it down on paper...or screen. Now you can scroll through your checklist every few hours and feel accomplished every time something is done! Have a fun weekend.
