Ok, I've become eyebrow obsessed. I wasn't that way until a few years ago and now I can't stop. For more than 30 years I never touched my brows, not a tweeze or wax and I couldn't understand my coworker Elizabeth and her obsession with her brows. Granted, my brows are blond and don't stand out too much, so I never really thought of them. However, I did admire them on celebs - Friends (the show) got me hooked on looking at them. Either Courtney Cox or Jennifer Aniston's brows got me interested....one of them had what I considered perfect brows, but I still did nothing with mine.
Until...one day I was at the salon getting my hair done and I then asked for a brow wax. OMG!! I'm hooked. Love the look.
Yesterday I went to get mine done and was talking with N (friend) and my sister about waxing. N does them herself and my sister does too. Then my sister stated that she cringes when she see's her daughter and the way she tweezes her brows. Apparently my niece tweezes her brows but promptly stops the brow half way across her eye. So she has about 1 inch of brow extending "sort of" across her eye. Not seeing my niece in almost a year, I cannot comment directly. But I did start talking about the different ways people tweeze or wax. There is the half circle that extends from one side to the other - makes you look like you're always surprised....or like a clown...you get to choose. Then there are the women who do nothing except perhaps pluck a few "uni-brow" hairs away. Ok, that's your choice. However, I do cringe when I see the uni-brow. I cringe when I see it on a man or woman!! No UNI-BROWS!!! Anyone can pick up those cold wax strips and maintain the "desert land" between our two eyes. You don't have to have shapely brows, but you should not have one continuous brow. We have 2 separate eyes, we should also have 2 separate eyebrows. If you are a cyclops, then you may have 1 continuous brow. Please note, I'm not making fun of cyclops's.... I don't know any directly, but if you are one, well, more power to you.
Sorry for the rant about something so mundane. Who knew that I could have a secret obsession about eyebrows. So when you see me looking intently at your eyes, be warned that I may be secretly wanting to pluck the stray brow I see.
OK, I plucked a few this morning so hopefully you won't get distracted by my free-form, Irish-curling brows ... they get "thinned" every now & then, but unless you have a handy, mini weed whacker I can borrow ... they'll just have to be!