Just after moving here I joined an online mom's group and met some great friends. Well, a group of us broke off from the giant moms group and started our own group (we still are members of the large group too). Yes, we're a little more outgoing than others and we like to get together and have fun. We're wild, but we're also great mom's who care about our kids and each other.
Just before our smaller group formed, another group of women broke from the main group and called themselves the OG's (Original Group). Several of my friends tried to join that group, but were turned down. OK, no biggie, so we formed our own group. Mix alcohol with a bunch of women and we get catty. We started calling them the OG'ers (Ogre's). Blah blah blah....lots of back and forth happened between the two groups - emails and such. Yes, we all were acting like kids and it did get old and petty.
That was at least 4-5 months ago. AT LEAST!! My small group disbanded and 1/2 the group left, but many of my friends remained and we started yet another group. The people who were negative forces are gone and the group is even stronger. A few weeks ago I realized that I haven't played bunco in months, so I planned a very very large bunco game with the Large mom's group and my small group combined. I did notice that the OG's all replied no - fine, I just figured that they had another MNO planned that evening.
I found out today that they did not have anything planned, but instead have decided not to attend any events that my small group is hosting. WHAT?!! Get over it!! It was months ago and yes, things got out of control, but really I think the last time we really even talked about the OG's was in September. I guess I don't understand how people can hold grudges. I don't get it. Life is too short and filled with too many possibilities to hold a grudge.
I would really love to sit together with the OG's and discuss any bad feelings people still harbor. Get it all out and REALLY be done with it. I'm done with it....it was fun at the time, but really, it's done. I want what's best for my son and I want to have friends who support and love me. I have that with my various Mom's groups. Thank goodness.
What a bunch of whore bitches.
Forget about them if they can't let it go. I have never understood people that dwell on stuff like this. Sorry you are having gang issues in your MC2 :)